Unlock your Spaceshuttle – How to find YOUR WHY in a purpose-driven world

18:00 - 23:00
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If you were invited to be whoever you would like to become, would you show up?

For some, the answer is a loud “YES.” But for others, it’s not so simple. Parts of our identity are often tied to the expectations of family, friends, and society. Yet, we (that’s Alina, Anna & Christoph) believe that within each of us lies a unique spark – a spark that brings us joy and has the power to spread light to others when unlocked. And by igniting this joy, we might discover the true meaning everyone is searching for almost effortlessly.

So, let’s ignite our space shuttles together on the 25th of September, when we invite you to challenge society’s notions of success.

Key Facts:
6 PM onwards
ÖBB Open Innovation Factory

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