Women in Data Science (WiDS) Villach Conference

08:30 - 16:00
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Data Science again? – That’s right, on May 25th the Women in Data Science Villach Conference is taking place at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences in Villach. It is a a regional event of the annual WiDS worldwide conference of the US elite university Stanford and gives insights in practical data science use cases as well as latest research in this area. Take your chance and attend this conference, dive deep into the field of data science and network with the local data science community. This year there will be technical vision talks to the following topics: „The impact of Data Science in E-Commerce and Retail“ and „Data-Science Applications in Gaming“. Furthermore we will have a panel discussion on „How to become a Data Scientist“. A special highlight will be an art performance by students from CHS-Villach as well as a vernissage with focus on data science.
The conference is open to everyone, regardless of gender, and free of charge. Please register at www.widsvillach.org/registration to save your spot!

Looking forward to seeing you at WiDS Villach 2023!

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