WineDown: The Future of Work

(c) Austrian Startups
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Everything about the way we work is changing. The gig economy is on the rise, digital nomads are collaborating with virtual teams from remote locations, and office cubicles are being torn down in favor of open workspaces. In this month’s WineDown, we’ll be exploring the future of work with entrepreneurs who are disrupting the industry so you can take advantage of these trends in your organization to work leaner, smarter, and faster.

Come join us for our monthly Hub community gathering to catch up with your fellow members (or if you’re new, simply get to know our community) and have the opportunity to learn about the future of work. We have a great outdoor venue lined up on the Donau Kanal and you’ll enjoy a swimming pool, football cage, and of course, cocktails and summer sunshine. You’ll also meet our lineup of startup entrepreneurs in the Impact Hub network who will showcase their projects. Participating startups TBA shortly.

Hard Facts

Wann? 24. August, 2017 – 18:30 – 22:00
Wo? Badeschiff Wien
Infos unter Austrian Startups!

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