When David meets Goliath: Chances & Risks of Corporate-Startup Partnerships

17:30 - 21:00
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Partnerships between corporates and startups have become increasingly popular in recent years. In today´s hypercompetitive and fast-pace world, large and established corporates face a never-ending pressure to innovate. On the other side, young and innovative firms struggle to survive and constantly need to fight in order to get the resources required to develop their business.

In this scenario, corporate-startup partnerships represent a valid strategy to tackle this issue. Thanks to their complementarity, corporates and startups can benefit from reciprocal advantages. However, the asymmetry of corporate-startup partnerships generates several challenges with the risk of undermining the value creation. Opposite organizational cultures, divergent expectations and misuse of resources are only a few examples of why high-potential collaborations might fail.

With this event, we want to discuss what happens when David meets Goliath.

Introduction: Prof. Nik Franke (Director Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation)

Panel discussion:
Laura Egg (Managing Director AAIA and member of the Austrian Startup Council)

Adelheid Moxon (Digital Lead Scale Up and Acceleration @Holcim MAQER, CH)

Sebastian Jagsch (, Global Head of Creators Expedition @AVL List, AT)

Tamás Petrovics (CEO and cofounder @Xund, AT)

Moderation: Prof. Philip Nell (Director HiA)

NB: Limited seats, registration necessary

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