virtual networking lounge | work-life balance

18:00 - 19:00
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virtual networking lounge

Are you ready for some fun, exciting and uplifting networking? Then join us online on Wednesday, November 24th at 6pm CET!

We will talk about how to find your work-life balance amist busy schedules and challenging times. So make sure to join us if you want to get new insights on how to reconcile your career and private life. Breakout rooms, more new people, breakout rooms again and a whole bunch of new connections are awaiting you! Excited? Please remember to RSVP.

This event is free for inner circle members and is included in the membership. Check out our page to sign up. Members can join via the zoom link on the community page.
Looking forward to seeing you there!

about the female factor

The female factor is a global career- and leadership community enabling the next generation of decision-makers to get their seat at the table and working closely with pioneering companies to attract and retain female talent. Learn more here:

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