#TheNewITGirls Meetup: The Power of Networking – Adela Mehic-Dzanic (EN)

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The Power of Networking – Adela Mehic-Dzanic

18:30 #TheNewITGirls Intro
18:40 dox42 Company Presentation
18:50: The Power of Networking
19:50: Networking

“Think bigger than you can imagine, keep your eyes open and stand up against all odds. Then the opportunities will come!”

Recently my story about building up and maintaining long-lasting career was published by Forbes under the headline “From 0 to 100”!
Full article available in German.

About 7 years ago I moved to Vienna from Sarajevo and started my career from the scratch. Without any job offering, not even speaking German language and no network that could support me in finding the job or recommending me internally for the job positions. Fast forward, I am leading a global business development team at one of the most innovative software and IoT (Internet of Things) company in Austria and beyond, hold an MBA degree from the Vienna University of Economics and serve as a Vice President of the global Female Leaders Network at Alma Mater and the Vice President of the Business Women of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In this training I will share my story about building up a successful career in IT/ IoT in Europe. From Bosnia and Herzegovina to Austria and from there building up a successful international career.

Building up a successful career and being recognized as a thoughtful leader has everything to do with building successful relationships.

In this training, we will cover the following:

– why is it important to have a good network?
– how do you start building your network?
– how do you use your network?
– how to use social media sites like LinkedIn to achieve your interests and goals?

The real wealth is measured by the community of good people you surround yourself with, who can work together and win together for a lifetime. Your network is your net-worth.

This digital MeetUp is sponsored by dox42.
The meetup will be recorded. Your video, photo or email address may also be visible to other participants. By participating, you agree to it.

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