Organized by TEDxModulUniversity, (c) facebook.com/TedxVienaOUTTHERE
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Always on the hunt for fading glimpses of everything from the vastness of forever-unreachable outer space to the depths of our sometimes misunderstood self. Armed with the hunch that maybe, just maybe, nothing is ever created, only discovered, we insatiably question all in our never-ending pursuit of discovery.

And then to discover, all we need to do is look beyond the ordinary.

We invite you to join us in putting aside conventionalism while delving into ideas that might be way, way out-there. Let’s seriously consider putting ourselves out there and revealing the threats and wonders that have been awaiting us out there all along.


When? 22/10/2016 – 9.00-21.00

Where5 Volkstheater Wien

Tickets & More Infos: ted.com

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