Startup World Cup Austria: Pre-Event Team West

17:00 - 21:30
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Join the largest pitch competition in the world! On April 6th the most innovative startups from Tyrol, Vorarlberg and Salzburg are competing in the categories Digital Health & BioTech, Social & Climate Impact, Smart City and FinTech & InsurTech for a spot at the Austrian finals in May during the startup festival ViennaUP’22. All participating startups are early-stage, founded in Austria and looking for investment up to € 1mio.

The application phase for this Pre-Event is open until 21st of March!

The Startup World Cup, hosted by Pegasus Tech Ventures, is the largest startup competition worldwide, with more than 70 countries taking part every year. The Austrian Angel Investors Association, with support of AustrianStartups, will bring the Startup World Cup to Austria for the second time to Austria.

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