Startup Office Hours: Get Business Advice from Experts

(c) Founder Institute
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If you have a startup or startup idea and would like to get feedback and guidance from top local entrepreneurs, then join this exclusive and public “Startup Office Hours” event. At the event, attendees will have the opportunity to pitch expert CEO mentors and ask them questions about their business strategy, key decisions, next steps, and more. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how experienced entrepreneurs would tackle the problems you or others are facing.

It is not required, but if you would like to pitch and get feedback you must prepare some materials and complete the form at [FORM] (we will select the most well-thought out submissions for the Office Hours and announce them at the event). Those who don’t participate can still watch and learn from the public feedback, and there will also be an open Q&A session with the Mentors.

Who should Attend?

  • Anyone who wants feedback from leading local CEOs
  • Anyone who has an idea for a startup or an early-stage company
  • Anyone who wants to learn about entrepreneurship

What is the Agenda?

  • Welcome and Socializing
  • Introduction to the Founder Institute
  • Public Office Hours with Top CEOs
  • Group Q&A Session
  • Discussion and Drinks

Hard Facts

Wann? 19. September, 2017 – 18:30 – 21:00
Wo? Pop-Up Labs Vienna
Infos unter Founder Institute!

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