Scaling for Videographers Workshop

17:00 - 19:00
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If everything in your business depends on you…
You Don’t Own a Business You Own a Job

For Who Is The Workshop?

If you are a Full-time Videographer providing B2B services for the last year or more tired of…

  • Feeling you need to drop prices so people buy
  • Hustling to grow a “business” you can’t really sell
  • Seeing your income limited by your capacity to deliver
  • Dealing with constant client changes that eat your profit
  • Having everything stop when going on vacation
  • 12-hour work days to grow a limited job
  • Not knowing what next month will look like

Then this event is for you!!

About The Workshop

In this training, you will learn how to…

  • Develop a Scalable Offer by lowering your costs and increasing your capacity
  • Transition into a Video Business Owner so the business serves you not the other way round
  • Stop Trading Time for Money by earning based on the systems you build, not your schedule

Sounds good? Then join us, it’s FREE!
Limited tickets, please register!

Workshop Program

17:00 – Opening
17:15 – Systems For Change
17:30 – Transition Framework
18:00 – Q&A + Netowrking
18:30 – End

About The Trainer:

I believe a business is a tool to give you the resources you need so that you can live the life you want.

That’s why I’m on a mission to help videographers go from feeling overwhelmed and limited to owning a scalable business that gives them back their time, increases their income, and allows them to do more of the things they love.

Let’s connect on Instagram >

PS: Do you know a fellow videographer who may benefit from joining? Feel free to share this event with them.

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