Risk assessment is the bread and butter of every investor being a vital element of a successful investment and a strong portfolio. The goal of risk assessment is to keep the measurable risks when investing as low as possible.
This AVCO DEEP DIVE hosted by Butchershop® Global, a growth and transformation company born and raised in Silicon Valley, deals with the following questions:
- How does an investor identify the right investments with its allocated risks?
- How to integrate proper assessment tactics?
- How to learn from proven tools already taken root in Silicon Valley like the ‘failure question‘: ‚What would cause you to fail?‘
- How can investors contribute to the strategic prevention of failure
- Nina Mueller, Global Program Director, Butchershop
- Arnaud Béasse, Managing Director, AVCO
We invite you to try out this Risk Assessment 2.0 tool and get to know the approach. Looking forward to an exciting exchange!