How to Find Your Perfect Co-Founder

How to find your perfect co-founder with Florian Kandler
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No theory! Real-life practical strategies and growth-hacks from an experienced founder who has done it.

Small group – limited participants – hands-on work on your startup.

Having a cofounder has many advantages

  • Investors prefer to invest in founder teams instead of solo founders
  • Startups with founder teams are more likely to succeed
  • The right cofounder(s) make your startup journey more fun

This workshop is for you if

  • You are struggling to find the right cofounder(s)
  • You want to know what makes a strong cofounder-team
  • You wonder about the best legal structure among cofounders

You will learn and get hands-on advice on

  • Where to find cofounders, and strategies to attract and win the best ones
  • How to make sure you and your cofounders are a cultural match
  • The little legal “details” that save you from big lawsuit nightmares

Flo Kandler (aka “Your Pitch Doctor” – PhD in Computer Science and Economics) has founded or cofounded three companies. One with four cofounders, one as a solo founder, and one with two cofounders – and has seen the advantages and disadvantages of each. Two of them raised a total of over three million Euros of funding.

He teaches at Accelerator Programs across Europa, speaks at conferences, and has coached founders from 15 countries across Europe on fundraising.

When? 23. August 2018 | 12:30 – 16:30 pm
Where? The location will be shared with participants upon registration.
Application and more information at Eventbrite
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