Free Webinar: Top 5 Fundraising Strategies for Startup Founders

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Finding an investor can be hard. Finding the right investor is even harder. Three-times-founder Florian Kandler shares his knowledge and experience in a free webinar. Thereby he gives a glance of what you can learn in his masterclass and answers questions of the audience.

+++ Kandler: Schneller, breiter und tiefer lernen +++


  • How you pick the right investor! And avoid the bad ones!
  • Pros & cons of certain investor types. And less known facts and risks
  • Why you should not only contact investors
  • How you create a strong “Target List”, and who needs to be on that list
  • The art & science of cold-contacting investors
  • The biggest mistakes founders make. And the powerful strategies and tricks to get meetings
  • How you get introductions to investors
  • Who can give you the best intros. And how you have to handle those people
  • The investor networking hacks of serial founders
  • The little, dirty secret ways experienced founders build strong relationships with investors
  • How NOT to screw up your first investor meeting
  • The biggest mistakes founders make. And how you create interest and excitement in the first meeting

Florian Kandler:

This is an exclusive LIVE session, where I give a sneak peek into Fundraising Masterclass. I show some of the most popular strategies, that worked for myself and my mentees. INCLUDING live Q&A.
Why I do all this? I believe that a strong European startup ecosystem requires sharing of knowledge between founders. When I was a first-time founder 10 years ago, many great advisors helped me. Today, after founding 3 companies that raised over €3.000.000 from Angels and VCs, I believe it is my turn to give back to the community. So I sat down at the beginning of 2017 and started putting together the best and most actionable fundraising strategies I know. I’d be stoked if you joined and got some inputs that help your fundraising! Sincerely yours, Florian Kandler

Hard Facts

When: 21st, June 2017 – 6pm

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