Free Vienna Pitch Training

17:00 - 19:00
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For Who Is The Vienna Pitch Training?

If you are a service-based entrepreneur struggling with…
Getting people interested in your product?
Getting people to see value in your service?
Getting people to see you as an expert who can help them?

Then this event is for you!

About The Vienna Pitch Training

In this meet-up, you will

  • Simplify your message into a persuasive oneliner you can deliver to customers
  • Learn to create interest in your customers so they want to hear your pitch
  • Discover how to position yourself as an expert without sounding like you are bragging
  • Develop a message that gets people to see value in your service in less than 90 seconds

Sounds good? Then join us, it’s FREE!

Limited seats, please register.

Do you know somebody who may benefit from joining? Feel free to share this event with them.

Vienna Pitch Training Program:

17:00 Welcome
17:05 Training: The 90-Second Business Framework
17:30 Participants pitch and get super valuable feedback
18:30 Networking
19:00 Finished

About The Trainer:

Juan Guerra is a storyselling consultant to service providers, through his system he helps them turn a confusing message into a persuasive story that attracts and converts customers by giving value.

Connect with him on LinkedIn by clicking >> here

Vienna Pitch Training

Practice. Improve. Connect.

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