Female Founders Demo Day – Grow F #3

14:00 - 16:00
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Female Founders invites you to the third Demo Day exclusively showcasing international female-led ventures to you. 9 startups from 5 countries and the fields of HealthTech, Sustainable Lifestyle and SaaS are going to present their investment opportunities to you.
Make sure to join – we are looking forward to welcoming you to our Demo Day studio!

Sign up here: https://hopin.to/events/female-founders-demo-day-grow-f-3


14:00: Introduction
14:10: HealthTech Pitches
14:25: Sustainable Lifestyle Pitches
14:45: SaaS Pitches
15:15: Q&A & investors mingling with startups

The Female Founders team is looking forward to welcoming you!

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