Entrepreneurship Avenue: LAB 1 – Idea Presentation

17:30 - 20:30
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Present your business idea to the audience and gather team members around your idea.
Don’t have an idea? Join an existing one!

You got a business idea and want to pursue it further and get valuable feedback from diverse team members and mentors?
You want to join an existing team and learn the process of starting up and bring your valuable skills to the table?

Present your idea, find your team members and learn what makes a good business model and how to avoid common pitfalls.

Another bonus apart from the unique experience is that you can win amazing prizes. ? The best teams will pitch their idea at our big conference and can win prize money up to 1.500€ as well as other cool material prizes like workshops. ??

There are 2 options:

1️⃣ You already have an idea (early stage):
In order to participate with your idea in our LAB (workshop) series, you have to upload a short video, in which you present your idea, UNTIL APRIL 28TH 12 A.M. At the Idea Presentation event on April 29th, we will show all the videos via Youtube and Facebook Live Stream. If you are looking for people to join your team, this is a great opportunity to find them. If you already have a team, you still have to upload a video of your idea, but when showing it to the audience it will be labelled, so everybody knows that you are not looking for team members.

We are excited to receive your videos soon! ?
Find DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS, rules and the possibility to upload here: https://forms.gle/DUCWxjcNZaUcCosA7

2️⃣ You don’t have an own idea:
Anyone interested in participating, who doesn’t have an idea so far can see all the pitches, at the Idea Presentation event on April 29th, where we will show all the videos via Youtube and Facebook Live Stream, and join a team later on. Further steps will be explained at Lab 1. ?

Students from all universities and disciplines are welcome and encouraged to join.
The only thing to bring with you is curiosity, optionally your startup idea and an eager to dive into the world of entrepreneurship. The program is 100 % free.

Secure your free ticket via Eventbrite!


1. Idea Pitches
2. Marketplace – find your team!
3. Get started with your idea!
4. Business Modelling
5. Networking

Mark your calendars for the whole LAB Series ❗️
LAB #1, April 29th, 2020, 5.30 pm, Idea Presentation
LAB #2, May 14th, 2020, 5.30 pm, Mentoring
LAB #3, May 20th, 2020, 5.30 pm, Pitch Training
LAB #4, May 27th, 2020, 5.30 pm, Demo Day
CONFERENCE, June 2, 2020

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