challenges of a female leader | fireside chat with Yenia from kununu

18:00 - 19:30
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Women only occupy 7,8%* of all leadership positions in Europe, and it doesn’t come as a surprise. Finding your way in male-dominated industries (or otherwise) can be quite a challenge.

Thankfully, being prepared can help you on your way up, and there’s no better way to begin than to hear the first-hand account of a woman in a leadership position, and explore everything that comes with it – the good, the bad, the conversations people don’t always have.

Join ????? ????, ??? ???????? ?????? ?????????????? & ????? ?? ?????? and get a chance to:

? gain insights on the challenges of female leaders
? explore ways to overcome these challenges
? participate in hands-on activities
? interact with the speaker and ask your questions

Yenia has lived in 6 countries and loves to discover new cultures, places and challenges, which is what makes her thrive. She is a communications and brand expert with experience in both local businesses (local PR agencies) as well as large multinational companies (Starbucks, Netflix, Bird, New Work) and is currently the Director of Global Communications and Brand for kununu. Her passion is to connect people and businesses through storytelling.

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The female factor is a global community for the next generation of female leaders.

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The inner circle is the members-only community by the female factor. Members get access to a tailor-made opportunity journey including mentoring sessions, hands-on career knowledge, accountability partners, confidence trainings and a great network of peers.

???? ????? ?? ???? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ???????. If you’re not a member yet, you can apply to join via

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