Call: FutureNow 2018 – Startup Awards

Future Now Startup Competition 2018
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FutureNow is the leading tech & startup event in Slovakia gathering entrepreneurs, innovators, tech enthusiasts and investors at one place.

The FutureNow Startup Awards is accepting applications from the best early-stage technology companies in the CEE region. Apply by Friday, September 14th, 2018

Why apply?

  • Win a cash prize to develop your business
  • Present your company in front of the thousands of influential people
  • Find an investor like our alumni who have raised over EUR 20 M so far
  • Get exposure in local and foreign media
  • Start new collaborations and partnerships at the FutureNow Bootcamp
  • Meet the best and brightest during FutureNow Festival and Conference

Who can apply?

  • Early stage companies – in existence no more than 5 years
  • Investment cap – no more than 500K EUR initial investment
  • “CEE” – companies must either be based and operational in CEE countries or have at least one founder from them

Does your product have global potential and represents excellent digital innovation? Then what are you waiting for – submit your application below!

Hard Facts

Until When? 14. September 2018
Where? Slovnaftská Bratislava, 824 12 Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Application at

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