Global Incubator Network Austria (short GIN) is looking for Austrian later-stage startups for their next goAsia acceleration program – The call for goShenzhen 2020 is open now!
goShenzhen is a 2-week acceleration program for Austrian later-stage startups that want to cross borders and aim to internationalize to Asia. Benefit from extensive hands-on experience, customized networking opportunities, and unique business connections.
- Call for applications is open until February 16th, 2020 – apply online here!
- goShenzhen 2020 will take place from April 20th to 29th, 2020
- GIN refunds 80% of the expenses up to € 7,000 per startup
- legal & tax workshops, training, networking & pitching events
- individual B2B meetings with investors, corporates and potential clients
- individual mentoring through personal on-site mentor
- option to extend your stay for an additional week funded by GIN
- a small batch of max. 8 startups with individual support
The program is most suitable for startups meeting the following criteria:
- Verticals: e-Commerce, InsurTech, GreenTech, Logistics, Hardware
- Austrian later-stage startup (beyond PoC and seed-stage)
- established in the last 7 years
- raised at least seed-stage investment
- unique product/solution
- working prototype / MVP
- a proven business model with traction (clients, revenue)
- interest in connecting to relevant stakeholders (investors, corporates)
- looking to develop further internationally with a focus on Asia
Carina Margreiter – Program Manager
+43 1 501 75 259 |
Lisa Stöger – Project Manager goAsia
+43 1 501 75 549 |
More information on the program can be found here!
Let the fun be-GIN! #GINconnects