CALL: Climate-KIC Accelerator // Fast-Track Your Cleantech Business

Climate-KIC Call
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We’re looking for teams with scalable and technologically promising business ideas to join the Climate-KIC Acceleration programme for climate innovation. We enable teams passionate about their cleantech solution to devote their time fully to their venture and scale up their business.

Teams accepted to the Accelerator will receive:

  • Financing of up to € 85.000 with no equity taken
  • Coaching, workshops, pitch opportunities, matchmaking with partners & investors
  • Access to our exclusive European and international Climate-KIC network

If you know of a team that would be a good fit for our Accelerator, you can nominate them by writing us or forwarding this email directly to the startup.

Applications will close midnight on 27.01.2019.

Accelerator Overview

Your journey to an investible and scalable startup takes you through three stages, each taking 6 months and with a special focus. All startups are eligible to attend our Bootcamp, Demo Day, Investors Dinner and Master Classes events that take place throughout the programme and have access to Climate-KIC’s Europe-wide network of alumni, contacts, events and social media. Notable events include the national and European Venture Competition and the annual Climate-KIC Innovation Festival.

STAGE1 // Business Model Development 20k €, 6 Months
The first stage of the Accelerator is intended to help early-stage Startups refine and develop their specific USP and business model. Here the first prototype can be finalised and assistance is provided to obtain industry feedback. This stage critically provides access to more mature startups in later stages of the Accelerator as well as to expert coaching 1-2-1 mentoring and workshops and the Climate-KIC European contacts network and events.

STAGE2 // Customer Traction 25k €, 6 Months
The second stage of the Accelerator helps move startups with a well-formulated business model to the next phase: validation and customer acquisition. Teams can now focus on acquiring their first customers and an iterative process of business model validation whilst receiving continuing support from expert coaches and mentors and participating in programme activities and workshops. These more mature startups will be able to display their ventures in several internal and external showcase events, growing their individual network.

STAGE3 // Investment Readiness 40k €, 6 Months
The third and final stage of the Accelerator prepares businesses for a future of investment rounds and scaling. Teams get continued access to our office and meeting spaces, as well as to all events, coaching, mentoring and workshops. Startups in this stage of the programme are supported in preparation for negotiations with potential investors and partners and can tap into a huge network of investor contacts and partners.

Our Key Events

Besides the regular events in our four locations, we offer at least three main occasions where startups come together and have a chance to exchange experiences, promote themselves beyond their local ecosystems and make valuable connections.

Boot Camp
The Bootcamp is where all the new programme intakes spend an intensive two days together in inspirational talks and workshops. This includes business training, climate topics, establishing contacts and plans for the next 6 months and an introduction to the Accelerator. The content is designed specifically to meet the needs of the startups at their different phases of development.

Demo Day
The Demo Day is the big annual showcase event for Climate-KIC startups. Every September the best startups from all five locations get to display their businesses in an exclusive booth and to pitch it to upwards of 150 attendees on stage. The afternoon concludes with a BBQ and drinks to allow conversations to continue well into the evening. You will get the chance to mingle with and learn from the founders of our most successful alumni startups and the Berlin ecosystem.

Investor Dinner
The investor dinner is an annual event where the very best current and alumni teams can present their businesses to an exclusive group of investors from across Europe. Because the evening is limited to a select number of individually invited clean-tech investors, this format allows for a very personal engagement and in depth discussion with potential funders.

How to Apply

Your path into the Climate-KIC Accelerator starts with an online application. Convince our experts and we will invite you to a pitch day in your chosen location where you can present your business and answer questions from a jury made up of researchers, investors and experts from inside and outside of Climate-KIC. Applications open every 6 months with the actual programme starting at the beginning of April and October.

Application Flow

  • Dec 17, 2018 // Start Call for Application
  • Jan 27, 2019 // End Call for Application
  • Feb 25 – Mar 15, 2019 // Pitch Dates
  • Apr 1, 2019 // Start Summer Batch 2019

Who we are looking for

  • New technology or service with both commercial viability and climate impact
  • Minimum two co-founders committed to working full-time on this venture
  • Less than five years since incorporation

Apply now!

Hard Facts

Until when? January 27, 2019 | 11.59 pm (Central European Time)
Where from? Everywhere!
Application and more information at Climate-KIC

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