Award Ceremony – Digital Building Solutions (DBS)

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Save your seat for the grand finale of the Digital Building Solutions Initiative! Presented by start-up-expert Daniel Cronin, entrepreneur & start-up-expert, the finalists will be chosen by the jury and the audience. Join us, get to know the nominees and their digital solutions and experience the latest innovations for the whole lifecycle of buildings.


  • 6.00 pm | Welcome & Aperitif
  • 6.50 pm | Guests are seated
  • 7.00 pm | Start of Award Ceremony
  • 8.30 pm | Afterparty & exhibition stands
  • 12.00 am | Approximate end

Three Events

What’s in for the finalists?


The finalists receive exclusive access to decision makers from the partner network and to their startup programs (e.g. Microsoft’s startup program) & access to the network of IG Lebenszyklus Bau, including Austria’s leading companies in the building industry, exposure during the awards ceremony (Vienna) & presentation during the Expo Real (Munich) & free working space for 100 days, individual coaching & active business development through weXelerate, Vienna’s brand-new Start-Up and Innovation Hub in Europe.

Hard Facts

Wann? 12. September 18:00 – 23:59
Wo? Gösserhalle, Laxemburgerstraße 2a, 1100 Wien
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