
TECC 2020: These 3 ideas emerged from the entrepreneurship programme

At the Training On Entrepreneurship & Company Creation (TECC), three new business ideas were developed, which have now been presented at a final pitch event.
(c) TECC/AVL/Katrin Wrulich

The Corona crisis taught that the environment around us can change very quickly and we need to be more flexible and to constantly adapt our mindset to different situations, trying to catch new opportunities.

In such a complex environment, educational institutions and organizations are today closer than ever. They are working together to train young students, providing them with the skills and competences necessary to face the challenges of the future.

TECC – Training On Entrepreneurship & Company Creation – is an example of how universities and organizations can cooperate through innovative training formats which ehance the transfer of knowledge and the development of both hard and soft skills.

Students develop their own startup ideas with TECC

At the beginning of March 2020, the Institute for International Management at FH JOANNEUM together with its partners AVL List, Raiffeisenlandesbank Steiermark and 360Lab launched TECC (Training On Entrepreneurship & Company Creation), a new training program focused on the development of entrepreneurial skills and practical knowledge within the university.  

“With the TECC training programme, we want to give students, together with our partners, both the theoretical basics as well as the mindset and our entrepreneurial spirit, so that they develop the tools they need to react flexibly to future challenges and find innovative solutions as founders or entrepreneurs in the company,” says AVL at Raiffeisen Landesbank Steiermark again emphasises the concern to promote creativity and innovation in the Styrian economy: “Qualities that are in great demand – in times of crisis all the more so. Young people who invest their energy in innovation are shaping the world of tomorrow and contribute with their ideas and implementation to the future of Styria as a business location”.

During these months, the teams have worked hard on the development of their projects, facing always new challenges and issues related to their potential markets. Partners have supported each team through coaching and mentoring sessions where students had the chance to get some practical insights about the startup and corporate’s world.

“We are very proud to be able to implement this entrepreneurship training at FH JOANNEUM together with our corporate partners”, says Doris Kiendl, FH JOANNEUM, about the programme: “The general conditions are of course difficult at the moment, but it has been shown that even in virtual space thoughts can sparkle and that entrepreneurial ideas can be worked on with fun and energy. This gives our students very important additional skills.

“Especially in challenging times, innovative ideas and passionate people are needed to make them become reality. We are very pleased to support students within the framework of TECC, together with our partners. With proven tools, our experience and expertise we want to prepare the next generation of entrepreneurs for this journey”, says also the team of the 360 Innovation Lab

Three business ideas as a result of TECC

The project involves students from different courses of study who have the motivation to develop their own business ideas and to acquire the necessary skills. During the program, students have attended online lectures and meetings with professors and experts in the fields of business development, business modeling and business planning. As result, they came up with three business ideas in different sectors and with the creation of multidisciplinary teams.

These are the three Teams

  • Manuel Karner, Fabienne Burger, Sara Maria Oberleitner, Andreas Kollmann:

 “We are DigiBills, a startup which aims to revolutionize receipts and digitalize them. We wanna create a more sustainable everyday life and improve the availability and categorization of receipts. Our app will provide a throughout solution for customers and businesses alike. Our team appreciates especially the possibility and guidance throughout the testing phase and selection of possible MVPs.”

  • Sandra Fröhwein, Anton Heidinger, Carolin Kobierski, Stefanie Lukas, Christina Niederl:

“We are BAUERPUMPkin and our mission is to offer local produced protein bars to health-conscious people. We want to create a fitness snack that does not only support local farmers but also offers a tasty alternative to artificial shakes. TECC helped us to realize that any idea can lead to great success. You just need to believe in your dreams and be agile – because the first idea does not have to be the last one! Constant changing and adapting is key and what we also learned: it is ok to fail – because you will come back stronger.”

  • Ivana Civsa, Collasius Yannick, Rothschädl Markus, Schadinger Julia, Waltenstorfer Tobias:

“Our project is called afloAT and it’s a platform that connects companies with highly skilled individuals who do not speak the local language. What’s in it for them? For the companies we are filtering out the best candidates for the job posted, and for candidates we are providing consultancy services in terms of reviewing the application documents, CVs etc.; What TECC told us (amongst so many things!) is that even when nobody believes in your idea at first, you can work on it and prove everyone wrong because you adapt it your potential customer’s needs and show that any idea can be feasible.”

Presentation of the start-up ideas at a pitch event

The first semester was closed with the Final Pitch Event which took place on 23rd June 2020 at FH JOANNEUM. During the final event, each team had around 5 minutes to pitch its business idea and to convince guests that it could become a business opportunity.

The students showed to the audience how they have structured their business models and how they have built and validated their first MVP (Minimum Viable Product). The pitches were evaluated by a jury of four experts. At the end, the students received a feedback on the basis of the criteria of value proposition, market potential, innovation, business model, design of the presentation and pitch.

The event was also an opportunity to exchange valuable experience concerning the collaboration between corporates and institutions as way to enhance innovation and to spread the entrepreneurial culture.

Slideshow: The highlights of the TECC closing event

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Crypto Weekly #154. Bitcoin-ETFs in den USA, das Halving und schließlich das Überschreiten der 100.000er-Marke. Es ist einiges passiert in diesem Jahr - darauf blicken wir in dieser Sonderausgabe von "Crypto Weekly" zurück.

Das war das Kryptojahr 2024

Crypto Weekly #154. Bitcoin-ETFs in den USA, das Halving und schließlich das Überschreiten der 100.000er-Marke. Es ist einiges passiert in diesem Jahr - darauf blicken wir in dieser Sonderausgabe von "Crypto Weekly" zurück.
eine Bitcoin-Münze auf einem Berg, daneben der Schriftzug
Foto: Adobe Stock
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Abonniere unser wöchentliches Krypto-Briefing – was passiert gerade in der Branche und was bewegt den Markt?
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🚀 Spektakulärer Start ins Jahr: Erstmals Bitcoin-Spot-ETFs in den USA genehmigt

Es war ein starkes Jahr für Krypto – so viel ist klar. Nach dem Boomjahr 2021 und dem “Kryptowinter” 2022 hatten sich die Kurse im Vorjahr schon wieder gut entwickelt. Dieses Jahr ging es in derselben Tonart weiter. Dabei lief bereits der Start ins Jahr gut: Denn bereits in der zweiten Woche des Jahres gab es ein Ereignis von enormer Tragweite: Die US-Börsenaufsicht ließ erstmals Bitcoin-Spot-ETFs zum Handel zu.

Im Gegensatz zu den schon länger existierenden Bitcoin-Futures-ETFs investieren diese Fonds direkt in Bitcoin – und nicht in Finanzprodukte, die den Bitcoin-Preis nachbilden. Dass die Börsenaufsicht die ETF-Anträge genehmigen würde, hatte sich in den Wochen zuvor schon abgezeichnet (siehe Crypto Weekly #127). Zuvor hatte das Thema bereits das zweite Halbjahr 2023 dominiert, nachdem im Sommer bekanntgeworden war, dass der weltgrößte Vermögensverwalter BlackRock einen Antrag auf einen Bitcoin-Spot-ETF stellen würde (siehe Crypto Weekly #104).

Die ETFs waren aus mehreren Gründen eine große Sache: Sie ermöglichen institutionellen Anleger (und bewegen am Markt die wirklich großen Summen!) einfachere Investments in Bitcoin. Auch Privatanleger:innen auf Einsteiger:innen-Niveau wird es dadurch erleichtert, in Bitcoin zu investieren: Sie müssen sich beispielsweise nicht mit der Verwahrung der Coins beschäftigen und können die ETFs auch möglicherweise über ihre bestehende Bank kaufen. 

Und ganz unabhängig vom neuen Geld, das dadurch in den Markt kommt: Durch die ETFs stärkt Bitcoin sein Image in der etablierten Finanzbranche und bekommt mehr Legitimität verliehen.

Die unmittelbare Marktreaktion auf die Genehmigung war unspektakulär. Weil sie bereits eingepreist war: Der Bitcoin-Kurs war in Erwartung der Genehmigung schon in den Wochen zuvor deutlich gestiegen. Die ETFs erwiesen sich aber schnell als Erfolg und verzeichneten starke Kapitalzuflüsse. Im Sommer starteten dann erstmals auch Ethereum-Spot-ETFs (siehe Crypto Weekly #147), aber wir bleiben vorerst noch im ersten Quartal.

Der Bitcoin-Kurs bewegte sich im Jänner nach der Genehmigung zunächst seitwärts, legte im Februar aber deutlich zu. Die ETFs haben dabei sicherlich geholfen, aber gleichzeitig wurde der Kryptomarkt auch von einer generell guten Stimmung an den Finanzmärkten gestützt (siehe Crypto Weekly #133). Im März war es dann soweit: Der Kurs überschritt sein bisheriges Rekordhoch von über 69.000 US-Dollar, das im Oktober 2021 erreicht worden war. Er stieg bis auf etwas über 73.000 Dollar. 

🪙 Das vierte Bitcoin-Halving - und wie es sich auswirkte

Und dann gab es gleich noch einen weiteren Faktor, von dem sich viele Unterstützung für den Kurs erwarteten: Das vierte Bitcoin-Halving im April 2024. Beim Halving wird die Belohnung, die Miner erhalten, um neue Blöcke zur Bitcoin-Blockchain hinzufügen, halbiert. Die Folge: Es kommen weniger neue Bitcoins in den Umlauf als es ohne Halving der Fall wäre. 

Das Halving spielt, wie in Crypto Weekly #138 ausgeführt, eine zentrale Rolle für die Geldpolitik von Bitcoin. Denn dass die Menge aller jemals bestehender Bitcoin begrenzt ist, ist eines der zentralen Merkmale von Bitcoin. Und geht Hand in Hand mit einer deterministischen Geldpolitik, die nicht einfach von einer Zentralbank geändert werden kann. 

Viele Anleger:innen erhoffen sich vom Halving aber auch einen positiven Impuls für die Kursentwicklung. Immerhin sinkt die Anzahl der Bitcoin, die neu in Umlauf geraten. Zumindest relativ gesehen (nämlich zu der Anzahl der Bitcoin, die ohne Halving entstehen würden) ist es also eine Angebotsverknappung - und eine solche bewirkt üblicherweise einen steigenden Preis. 

Demgegenüber steht, dass das Eintreten des Halvings bekannt und de facto völlig sicher ist. Es könnte daher im Vorfeld bereits vollständig eingepreist sein. Somit wäre zum Zeitpunkt des Halvings selbst mit keinen Kursauswirkungen zu rechnen. Theoretisch. Denn selbst wenn es so ist, könnte das Halving auch als “selbsterfüllende Prophezeiung” wirken: Weil alle den Kursanstieg erwarten und deshalb kaufen, steigt der Kurs tatsächlich. 

Schon im Vorfeld wurde genau darüber intensiv diskutiert. Letztlich ging das Halving am 20. April reibungslos über die Bühne. Starke Auswirkungen auf den Kurs hatte es nicht mehr. Anzumerken ist dabei aber: Der Bitcoin-Kurs war zwischen Ende Jänner und Mitte März bereits sehr stark von etwa 40.000 auf über 70.000 Dollar gestiegen. 

Auch nach dem Halving blieb die Marktentwicklung über den Sommer weitgehend unspektakulär. Erst im Herbst gab es die nächste starke Aufwärtsbewegung.

🇺🇸 US-Politik dominiert zweite Jahreshälfte

Und damit sind wir auch schon bei dem Thema, das die zweite Jahreshälfte dominierte: Die US-Politik. Die Kryptobranche des Landes stand schon länger auf Kriegsfuß mit der Börsenaufsicht rund um deren Chef Gary Gensler. Die Behörde hatte insbesondere nach der Pleite der Kryptobörse FTX ihr Vorgehen gegen die Branche deutlich intensiviert. Die Kryptobranche hoffte klarerweise auf einen Kurswechsel. Und die anstehende Präsidentschaftswahl schien dafür eine Chance zu bieten.

Dies galt umso mehr, als sich der republikanische Kandidat Donald Trump bereits im Frühsommer explizit für Bitcoin und Krypto-Assets aussprach (siehe Crypto Weekly #142). Er griff die Biden-Regierung für ihren Umgang mit der Branche scharf an. Ob Trumps Gegenkandidatin Kamala Harris den scharfen Kurs der Biden-Regierung, deren Teil sie natürlich war und ist, fortgesetzt hätte, bleibt unklar. Im Wahlkampf äußerte sie sich dann ebenfalls mehrfach positiv über Krypto-Assets. Zumindest der scharfe Kurs der Börsenaufsicht der vergangenen beiden Jahre wäre wohl ebenfalls aufgeweicht worden.

Die US-Kryptobranche stand aber ohnehin klar auf Seiten Trumps. Als sich dessen Wahlsieg abzuzeichnen begann, erreichte der Bitcoin-Kurs noch in der Nacht der Präsidentschaftswahl ein Rekordhoch bei rund 75.000 US-Dollar. In den folgenden Wochen ging es bis auf 99.000 Dollar aufwärts. An der 100.000er-Marke schien der Kurs zunächst abzuprallen. Anfang Dezember war es dann soweit: Erstmals in seiner Geschichte überschritt der Bitcoin-Kurs die vielbeschworene Schwelle von 100.000 US-Dollar.

Kurz zuvor hatte Trump angekündigt, wer dem in der Krypto-Branche unbeliebten Gensler als Chef der Börsenaufsicht nachfolgen soll – und zwar der als kryptofreundlich geltende Paul Atkins. Mit dem bekannten Investor David Sacks ernannte Trump dann auch einen eigenen “Krypto-Zar” für die kommende Regierung. Eine von Sacks’ Aufgaben werde sein, einen rechtlichen Rahmen zu arbeiten, mit dem Kryptobranche jene Klarheit bekäme, die sie brauche, schrieb Trump in seiner Ankündigung.

Wie eine solche Regulierung genau aussehen wird, ist zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt klarerweise noch völlig offen. Dies gilt auch für andere Punkte - etwa die von Trump im Wahlkampf geforderte strategische Bitcoin-Reserve. 

Diese Idee hat jetzt auch diesseits des Atlantiks einen Nachahmer gefunden: Der vor wenigen Wochen als deutscher Finanzminister entlassene Christian Lindner regte an, dass die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) Bitcoin in ihren Bestand aufnehmen soll. Lindner befindet sich als Spitzenkandidat der liberalen FDP im Wahlkampf. Während seiner Amtszeit als Finanzminister, die fast drei Jahre dauerte, hatte er keine entsprechenden Initiativen unternommen. 

Wie geht es jetzt weiter? Mitte Dezember stieg der Bitcoin-Kurs zunächst bis auf 108.000 US-Dollar. Dann korrigierte er jedoch deutlich. Zuletzt bewegte er sich im Bereich von 93.000 Dollar. Nach der sehr starken Kursentwicklung der vergangenen Wochen sollte eine solche Gegenbewegung aber nicht überraschen.Zu berücksichtigen ist auch, wie in Crypto Weekly #153 bereits thematisiert, dass die Kursgewinne der vergangenen Wochen hauptsächlich auf Erwartungen (an die US-Politik) beruhen. In den nächsten Wochen und Monaten (in manchen Fällen: Jahren) wird sich nach und nach zeigen, was davon eingelöst wird. Dazu kommt: Auch makroökonomische und geopolitische Entwicklungen werden den Markt wieder stärken beeinflussen. Die Vorzeichen stehen zwar günstig. Wo sich der Kryptomarkt 2025 aber wirklich hinbewegen wird, wird sich erst zeigen.

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AI Summaries

TECC 2020: These 3 ideas emerged from the entrepreneurship programme

  • Manuel Karner, Fabienne Burger, Sara Maria Oberleitner, Andreas Kollmann:
“We are DigiBills, a startup which aims to revolutionize receipts and digitalize them. We wanna create a more sustainable everyday life and improve the availability and categorization of receipts. Our app will provide a throughout solution for customers and businesses alike. Our team appreciates especially the possibility and guidance throughout the testing phase and selection of possible MVPs.”
  • Sandra Fröhwein, Anton Heidinger, Carolin Kobierski, Stefanie Lukas, Christina Niederl:
“We are BAUERPUMPkin and our mission is to offer local produced protein bars to health-conscious people. We want to create a fitness snack that does not only support local farmers but also offers a tasty alternative to artificial shakes. TECC helped us to realize that any idea can lead to great success. You just need to believe in your dreams and be agile – because the first idea does not have to be the last one! Constant changing and adapting is key and what we also learned: it is ok to fail – because you will come back stronger.”
  • Ivana Civsa, Collasius Yannick, Rothschädl Markus, Schadinger Julia, Waltenstorfer Tobias:
“Our project is called afloAT and it’s a platform that connects companies with highly skilled individuals who do not speak the local language. What’s in it for them? For the companies we are filtering out the best candidates for the job posted, and for candidates we are providing consultancy services in terms of reviewing the application documents, CVs etc.; What TECC told us (amongst so many things!) is that even when nobody believes in your idea at first, you can work on it and prove everyone wrong because you adapt it your potential customer’s needs and show that any idea can be feasible.”

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TECC 2020: These 3 ideas emerged from the entrepreneurship programme

  • Manuel Karner, Fabienne Burger, Sara Maria Oberleitner, Andreas Kollmann:
“We are DigiBills, a startup which aims to revolutionize receipts and digitalize them. We wanna create a more sustainable everyday life and improve the availability and categorization of receipts. Our app will provide a throughout solution for customers and businesses alike. Our team appreciates especially the possibility and guidance throughout the testing phase and selection of possible MVPs.”
  • Sandra Fröhwein, Anton Heidinger, Carolin Kobierski, Stefanie Lukas, Christina Niederl:
“We are BAUERPUMPkin and our mission is to offer local produced protein bars to health-conscious people. We want to create a fitness snack that does not only support local farmers but also offers a tasty alternative to artificial shakes. TECC helped us to realize that any idea can lead to great success. You just need to believe in your dreams and be agile – because the first idea does not have to be the last one! Constant changing and adapting is key and what we also learned: it is ok to fail – because you will come back stronger.”
  • Ivana Civsa, Collasius Yannick, Rothschädl Markus, Schadinger Julia, Waltenstorfer Tobias:
“Our project is called afloAT and it’s a platform that connects companies with highly skilled individuals who do not speak the local language. What’s in it for them? For the companies we are filtering out the best candidates for the job posted, and for candidates we are providing consultancy services in terms of reviewing the application documents, CVs etc.; What TECC told us (amongst so many things!) is that even when nobody believes in your idea at first, you can work on it and prove everyone wrong because you adapt it your potential customer’s needs and show that any idea can be feasible.”

AI Kontextualisierung

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TECC 2020: These 3 ideas emerged from the entrepreneurship programme

  • Manuel Karner, Fabienne Burger, Sara Maria Oberleitner, Andreas Kollmann:
“We are DigiBills, a startup which aims to revolutionize receipts and digitalize them. We wanna create a more sustainable everyday life and improve the availability and categorization of receipts. Our app will provide a throughout solution for customers and businesses alike. Our team appreciates especially the possibility and guidance throughout the testing phase and selection of possible MVPs.”
  • Sandra Fröhwein, Anton Heidinger, Carolin Kobierski, Stefanie Lukas, Christina Niederl:
“We are BAUERPUMPkin and our mission is to offer local produced protein bars to health-conscious people. We want to create a fitness snack that does not only support local farmers but also offers a tasty alternative to artificial shakes. TECC helped us to realize that any idea can lead to great success. You just need to believe in your dreams and be agile – because the first idea does not have to be the last one! Constant changing and adapting is key and what we also learned: it is ok to fail – because you will come back stronger.”
  • Ivana Civsa, Collasius Yannick, Rothschädl Markus, Schadinger Julia, Waltenstorfer Tobias:
“Our project is called afloAT and it’s a platform that connects companies with highly skilled individuals who do not speak the local language. What’s in it for them? For the companies we are filtering out the best candidates for the job posted, and for candidates we are providing consultancy services in terms of reviewing the application documents, CVs etc.; What TECC told us (amongst so many things!) is that even when nobody believes in your idea at first, you can work on it and prove everyone wrong because you adapt it your potential customer’s needs and show that any idea can be feasible.”

AI Kontextualisierung

Welche Relevanz hat der Inhalt dieses Artikels für mich als Innovationsmanager:in?

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TECC 2020: These 3 ideas emerged from the entrepreneurship programme

  • Manuel Karner, Fabienne Burger, Sara Maria Oberleitner, Andreas Kollmann:
“We are DigiBills, a startup which aims to revolutionize receipts and digitalize them. We wanna create a more sustainable everyday life and improve the availability and categorization of receipts. Our app will provide a throughout solution for customers and businesses alike. Our team appreciates especially the possibility and guidance throughout the testing phase and selection of possible MVPs.”
  • Sandra Fröhwein, Anton Heidinger, Carolin Kobierski, Stefanie Lukas, Christina Niederl:
“We are BAUERPUMPkin and our mission is to offer local produced protein bars to health-conscious people. We want to create a fitness snack that does not only support local farmers but also offers a tasty alternative to artificial shakes. TECC helped us to realize that any idea can lead to great success. You just need to believe in your dreams and be agile – because the first idea does not have to be the last one! Constant changing and adapting is key and what we also learned: it is ok to fail – because you will come back stronger.”
  • Ivana Civsa, Collasius Yannick, Rothschädl Markus, Schadinger Julia, Waltenstorfer Tobias:
“Our project is called afloAT and it’s a platform that connects companies with highly skilled individuals who do not speak the local language. What’s in it for them? For the companies we are filtering out the best candidates for the job posted, and for candidates we are providing consultancy services in terms of reviewing the application documents, CVs etc.; What TECC told us (amongst so many things!) is that even when nobody believes in your idea at first, you can work on it and prove everyone wrong because you adapt it your potential customer’s needs and show that any idea can be feasible.”

AI Kontextualisierung

Welche Relevanz hat der Inhalt dieses Artikels für mich als Investor:in?

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TECC 2020: These 3 ideas emerged from the entrepreneurship programme

  • Manuel Karner, Fabienne Burger, Sara Maria Oberleitner, Andreas Kollmann:
“We are DigiBills, a startup which aims to revolutionize receipts and digitalize them. We wanna create a more sustainable everyday life and improve the availability and categorization of receipts. Our app will provide a throughout solution for customers and businesses alike. Our team appreciates especially the possibility and guidance throughout the testing phase and selection of possible MVPs.”
  • Sandra Fröhwein, Anton Heidinger, Carolin Kobierski, Stefanie Lukas, Christina Niederl:
“We are BAUERPUMPkin and our mission is to offer local produced protein bars to health-conscious people. We want to create a fitness snack that does not only support local farmers but also offers a tasty alternative to artificial shakes. TECC helped us to realize that any idea can lead to great success. You just need to believe in your dreams and be agile – because the first idea does not have to be the last one! Constant changing and adapting is key and what we also learned: it is ok to fail – because you will come back stronger.”
  • Ivana Civsa, Collasius Yannick, Rothschädl Markus, Schadinger Julia, Waltenstorfer Tobias:
“Our project is called afloAT and it’s a platform that connects companies with highly skilled individuals who do not speak the local language. What’s in it for them? For the companies we are filtering out the best candidates for the job posted, and for candidates we are providing consultancy services in terms of reviewing the application documents, CVs etc.; What TECC told us (amongst so many things!) is that even when nobody believes in your idea at first, you can work on it and prove everyone wrong because you adapt it your potential customer’s needs and show that any idea can be feasible.”

AI Kontextualisierung

Welche Relevanz hat der Inhalt dieses Artikels für mich als Politiker:in?

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TECC 2020: These 3 ideas emerged from the entrepreneurship programme

  • Manuel Karner, Fabienne Burger, Sara Maria Oberleitner, Andreas Kollmann:
“We are DigiBills, a startup which aims to revolutionize receipts and digitalize them. We wanna create a more sustainable everyday life and improve the availability and categorization of receipts. Our app will provide a throughout solution for customers and businesses alike. Our team appreciates especially the possibility and guidance throughout the testing phase and selection of possible MVPs.”
  • Sandra Fröhwein, Anton Heidinger, Carolin Kobierski, Stefanie Lukas, Christina Niederl:
“We are BAUERPUMPkin and our mission is to offer local produced protein bars to health-conscious people. We want to create a fitness snack that does not only support local farmers but also offers a tasty alternative to artificial shakes. TECC helped us to realize that any idea can lead to great success. You just need to believe in your dreams and be agile – because the first idea does not have to be the last one! Constant changing and adapting is key and what we also learned: it is ok to fail – because you will come back stronger.”
  • Ivana Civsa, Collasius Yannick, Rothschädl Markus, Schadinger Julia, Waltenstorfer Tobias:
“Our project is called afloAT and it’s a platform that connects companies with highly skilled individuals who do not speak the local language. What’s in it for them? For the companies we are filtering out the best candidates for the job posted, and for candidates we are providing consultancy services in terms of reviewing the application documents, CVs etc.; What TECC told us (amongst so many things!) is that even when nobody believes in your idea at first, you can work on it and prove everyone wrong because you adapt it your potential customer’s needs and show that any idea can be feasible.”

AI Kontextualisierung

Was könnte das Bigger Picture von den Inhalten dieses Artikels sein?

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TECC 2020: These 3 ideas emerged from the entrepreneurship programme

  • Manuel Karner, Fabienne Burger, Sara Maria Oberleitner, Andreas Kollmann:
“We are DigiBills, a startup which aims to revolutionize receipts and digitalize them. We wanna create a more sustainable everyday life and improve the availability and categorization of receipts. Our app will provide a throughout solution for customers and businesses alike. Our team appreciates especially the possibility and guidance throughout the testing phase and selection of possible MVPs.”
  • Sandra Fröhwein, Anton Heidinger, Carolin Kobierski, Stefanie Lukas, Christina Niederl:
“We are BAUERPUMPkin and our mission is to offer local produced protein bars to health-conscious people. We want to create a fitness snack that does not only support local farmers but also offers a tasty alternative to artificial shakes. TECC helped us to realize that any idea can lead to great success. You just need to believe in your dreams and be agile – because the first idea does not have to be the last one! Constant changing and adapting is key and what we also learned: it is ok to fail – because you will come back stronger.”
  • Ivana Civsa, Collasius Yannick, Rothschädl Markus, Schadinger Julia, Waltenstorfer Tobias:
“Our project is called afloAT and it’s a platform that connects companies with highly skilled individuals who do not speak the local language. What’s in it for them? For the companies we are filtering out the best candidates for the job posted, and for candidates we are providing consultancy services in terms of reviewing the application documents, CVs etc.; What TECC told us (amongst so many things!) is that even when nobody believes in your idea at first, you can work on it and prove everyone wrong because you adapt it your potential customer’s needs and show that any idea can be feasible.”

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TECC 2020: These 3 ideas emerged from the entrepreneurship programme

  • Manuel Karner, Fabienne Burger, Sara Maria Oberleitner, Andreas Kollmann:
“We are DigiBills, a startup which aims to revolutionize receipts and digitalize them. We wanna create a more sustainable everyday life and improve the availability and categorization of receipts. Our app will provide a throughout solution for customers and businesses alike. Our team appreciates especially the possibility and guidance throughout the testing phase and selection of possible MVPs.”
  • Sandra Fröhwein, Anton Heidinger, Carolin Kobierski, Stefanie Lukas, Christina Niederl:
“We are BAUERPUMPkin and our mission is to offer local produced protein bars to health-conscious people. We want to create a fitness snack that does not only support local farmers but also offers a tasty alternative to artificial shakes. TECC helped us to realize that any idea can lead to great success. You just need to believe in your dreams and be agile – because the first idea does not have to be the last one! Constant changing and adapting is key and what we also learned: it is ok to fail – because you will come back stronger.”
  • Ivana Civsa, Collasius Yannick, Rothschädl Markus, Schadinger Julia, Waltenstorfer Tobias:
“Our project is called afloAT and it’s a platform that connects companies with highly skilled individuals who do not speak the local language. What’s in it for them? For the companies we are filtering out the best candidates for the job posted, and for candidates we are providing consultancy services in terms of reviewing the application documents, CVs etc.; What TECC told us (amongst so many things!) is that even when nobody believes in your idea at first, you can work on it and prove everyone wrong because you adapt it your potential customer’s needs and show that any idea can be feasible.”

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TECC 2020: These 3 ideas emerged from the entrepreneurship programme

  • Manuel Karner, Fabienne Burger, Sara Maria Oberleitner, Andreas Kollmann:
“We are DigiBills, a startup which aims to revolutionize receipts and digitalize them. We wanna create a more sustainable everyday life and improve the availability and categorization of receipts. Our app will provide a throughout solution for customers and businesses alike. Our team appreciates especially the possibility and guidance throughout the testing phase and selection of possible MVPs.”
  • Sandra Fröhwein, Anton Heidinger, Carolin Kobierski, Stefanie Lukas, Christina Niederl:
“We are BAUERPUMPkin and our mission is to offer local produced protein bars to health-conscious people. We want to create a fitness snack that does not only support local farmers but also offers a tasty alternative to artificial shakes. TECC helped us to realize that any idea can lead to great success. You just need to believe in your dreams and be agile – because the first idea does not have to be the last one! Constant changing and adapting is key and what we also learned: it is ok to fail – because you will come back stronger.”
  • Ivana Civsa, Collasius Yannick, Rothschädl Markus, Schadinger Julia, Waltenstorfer Tobias:
“Our project is called afloAT and it’s a platform that connects companies with highly skilled individuals who do not speak the local language. What’s in it for them? For the companies we are filtering out the best candidates for the job posted, and for candidates we are providing consultancy services in terms of reviewing the application documents, CVs etc.; What TECC told us (amongst so many things!) is that even when nobody believes in your idea at first, you can work on it and prove everyone wrong because you adapt it your potential customer’s needs and show that any idea can be feasible.”