
EU-Startups-Summit: Anfang Mai trifft sich in Barcelona die Startup-Elite

Am 2. und 3. Mai 2019 wird sich in Barcelona am EU-Startup-Summit das "Who is Who" der europäischen Startup-Szene ein "Stelldichein" geben. Der brutkasten schickt ein österreichisches Startup kostenlos zur Konferenz.
(c) EU-Startup-Summit

Gründer Thomas Ohr, dem der brutkasten vergangenen Sommer selbst einen Besuch abstattete, zog es aus Deutschland vor einigen Jahren nach Barcelona, von wo er mit eu-startups.com eine europäische Startup-News-Plattform aufzog, an der heute eigentlich kaum jemand vorbeikommt. Genau deswegen hat er wie kaum ein anderer einen Überblick und die entsprechenden Kontakte quer durch Europa. Insofern lag es nahe die Konferenz ins Leben zu rufen, die wir er selbst sagt, “die europäische Startupszene vereinen soll.”

Besucherzahl wird sich verdoppeln

Nach dem Debüt in München und drei Konferenzen in Berlin steigt der EU-Startups-Summit nun zum zweiten und insgesamt sechsten Mal in Barcelona. Die Besucherzahl wird sich im Vergleich zum Vorjahr auf 1.200 Gäste fast verdoppeln. Das Besondere dabei für Thomas Ohr: “Wie bunt die Mischung hier ist, zeigt allein schon die Tatsache, dass nur 20 Prozent der Teilnehmer aus Spanien kommen. Die Quote aus dem Veranstalterland ist bei ähnlichen Events zumeist deutlich höher.”

Fixpunkt des Startup-Eventkalenders

Mittlerweile hat sich die Konferenz von Founder Thomas Ohr zu einem Fixpunkt des Startup Eventkalenders in Europa gemausert, nicht zuletzt aufgrund des beachtlichen Lineups an Speakern und Investoren vor Ort, die er einmal mehr an Land gezogen hat.

Florian Kandler, österreichischer Startup-Tausendsassa und u.a. Initiator des Startup-Reports in Österreich, kann das nur bestätigen: “Ich war dort als Moderator mit den beiden Unicorn-Gründern Valentin Stalf von N26 und Riccardo Zacconi von King.com auf der Bühne. Die Konferenz hat sehr schnell Meter gemacht und sie hatten vom Start weg bisher immer sehr hochkarätige Gäste und zukünftige Highflyer.” Mit 149 Euro für Startup-Tickets zählt die Konferenz zu den günstigeren in Europa und bietet dafür also vergleichsweise viel.

Mehr als 70 Talks und über 100 VCs

Während dem zweitägigen Event steht neben über 70 Talks auf mehreren Bühnen vor allem das Networking (inkl. eigener Networking-App) von Startups, über 100 VCs und Investoren und internationalen Tech-Companies im Vordergrund. Des weiteren gibt es Fireside-Chats mit erfolgreichen Gründern, Workshops, bereits legendäre Afterparties und vor allem eine spannende Pitch-Competition von 15 Startups, die aus fast 1.000 Bewerbern ausgewählt wurden und um ein 75.000-Euro Preis-Package rittern.

Namhafte Gäste am EU-Startup-Summit

Zu den Gästen zählt dieses Jahr unter anderem Naren Shaam, der CEO des Deutschland-Senkrechtstartes GoEuro, neuerdings nach dem Rebranding Omio. Die Reise-App hat erst kürzlich 150 Millionen Euro an Investment für die weltweite Expansion an Land gezogen. Ebenfalls dabei: Till Faida, seines Zeichens CEO und Founder von Adblock Plus, dem weltweit populärsten Adblocker oder Airhelp-CEO Henrik Zillmer, der mit seinem Startup Weltmarktführer im Bereich Flugkompensationen ist schon mehr als 800 Millionen Euro für seine Kunden erkämpft hat. Interessant ist unter anderem auch Daniel Gebler, Co-founder von Picnic, dem am weltweit schnellsten wachsenden Online-Supermarkt oder Startup-Guide Gründerin Sissel Hansen.


Der brutkasten schickt ein österreichisches Startup kostenlos zur Konferenz. Bewerbungen bitte an [email protected]. Wir wählen den Gewinner kommende Woche aus. Für alle anderen Brutkasten-Leser gibt es über eventbrite mit dem Promo-Code “BRUTKASTEN” um 25 Prozent vergünstigte Tickets.

=> weitere Infos zur Veranstaltung

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vor 19 Stunden

GO SINGAPORE 2024: Apply until June 9th

You are an up and rising FinTech startup based in Austria and are prone to dig into the global digital economy? You are looking for new opportunities and are driven to expand your knowledge, product and purpose to global markets with a focus in Singapore and Southeast Asia? Welcome to GO SINGAPORE 2024!
vor 19 Stunden

GO SINGAPORE 2024: Apply until June 9th

You are an up and rising FinTech startup based in Austria and are prone to dig into the global digital economy? You are looking for new opportunities and are driven to expand your knowledge, product and purpose to global markets with a focus in Singapore and Southeast Asia? Welcome to GO SINGAPORE 2024!
GO SINGAPORE 2024 awaits you with top-class opportunities for your future in FinTech (c) GIN

GO SINGAPORE 2024 is the ideal preparation for mid- and later-stage Austrian FinTech startups to take the next steps in their Asian expansion. The programme supports startups strategically and financially to provide them the best experience during a one-week ecosystem tour in Singapore.

Strategic support is given through flexible onboarding, IP coaching, workshops, networking as well as pitching events, whilst financial support is ensured by a 10,000 euro travel grant. GO SINGAPORE will take place from November 4th till November 8th 2024 – whilst the Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF) – connecting executives, entrepreneurs, accelerators as well as startups and investors.

GO SINGAPORE 2024 and its benefits for your startup

Flexible onboarding, networking events and a full-hands ecosystem Tour will be provided to all participating startups at GO SINGAPORE 2024.

#1 Onboarding, expert coaching and welcome dinner

The GO SINGAPORE 2024 onboarding is as flexible as it can get: valuable startup ecosystem experts will provide tips for your market entry, including a three hour free IP coaching to set your strategy. On top, you will be invited to a preparation dinner in Vienna to start off your international network experience. 

#2 Networking at its best

All participating startups can profit from on-site activities, networking and pitching events – such as the Singapore 

#3 One-week ecosystem tour

With the GIN batch, you are going to be given the opportunity to tour through the Singapore ecosystem for a week, including a grant covering 80 percent of the costs up to EUR 10,000 (hotel, flights, entry tickets) per startup. 

This is what to expect at GO SINGAPORE 2024

  • PART I – GO SINGAPORE Onboarding

The first part of GO SINGAPORE 2024 provides a variety of flexible trainings to prepare all participants for their expansion journey. Startups will get first-hand insights into the Singapore market and benefit from a flexible digital onboarding to prepare their internationalization strategy.

On top of that, participating startups will receive a three hour free and individual IP coaching session with experts to discuss and prepare an optimized market entry strategy.

Part I furtherly includes a preparation dinner and kick-off event in Vienna – happening in the month of September with exact date and time to be announced. During this preparation dinner, participating startups will receive first market insights and valuable last-minute preparation for their stay in Singapore. Networking and getting to know the GO SINGAPORE startup batch will not come short.


After all preparations have been successfully concluded, startups will be ready to dig into a one-week ecosystem experience in Singapore. Participants will be given the opportunity to connect with Asian and international stakeholders and participate in various events such as pitching nights and VC speed dating rounds.

Participating startups will furtherly be given the opportunity to interact with potential investors and corporates at the Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF), where finance, policy and technology converge. Lunch get-togethers will build bridges between important ecosystem players dn local startups. On top: GIN refunds 80 percent of all program relevant expenses, including travel and accommodation costs.

SPECIAL EVENT at GO SINGAPORE 2024: The Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF)

Taking place from November 6th to 8th, GO SINGAPORE 2024 will attend the ultimate networking event and a global nexus to FinTech experts: The Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF).

Insights into last years Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF).

As a hub to changemakers in policy, finance and technology, SFF is designed to foster impactful connections and collaborations and serve as a platform to explore the intersections of cutting-edge financial solutions, evolving regulatory landscapes and the latest technological innovations.

Every participating startup will be given the opportunity to gain insights by an esteemed Content Advisory Panel of industry experts, presenting strategic perspectives on market trends, technologies and policy shifts. Dialogues with international experts and impactful leaders will not come short.

The SFF provides insightful sessions such as roundtables, workshops and exhibitions following one major goal: To revolutionize the overarching digital transformation and reshaping global economies.

Requirements: How to apply for GO SINGAPORE 2024

The program GO SINGAPORE 2024 is most suitable for Austrian startups in the mid- or later-stage sector – beyond PoC and seed stage. You should have at least raised a seed-stage investment. Furthermore, you should consider yourself as a FinTech business and should have established your business within the last seven years.

GO SINGAPORE looks for unique products/solutions and innovative startups that are already on the market. Furthermore, your business should be ready and thriving. Proven business models with traction such as clients or revenue are beneficial. Furthermore, your business should be ready and thriving to connect to relevant stakeholders such as corporates and business partners – with a focus to develop further internationally in the Singapore and Asian markets.

Ready for Singapore? Apply now!

The GO SINGAPORE 2024 program perfectly suits you and your expanding plans for your business? Apply now in only three steps:

  1. Application on aws Connect until June 9th, 2024:
    Log in on aws Connect or register and create an account. Fill out the outline form and upload your recent pitch-deck.
  2. Online Pitch Event on June 25th, 2024:
    The GIN-Team will inform all applicants whether or not they are chosen for the Online Pitch one week before the event via email. All pre-selected startups will receive an email with log-in details on May 25th, 2024 as well as a 10 minute time-slot. Each startup has 4 minutes to pitch in English – no screen or presenting the pitch deck allowed – followed by a Q&A session by the jury of national and international GIN partners.
  3. Final decisions:
    After the Online Pitch Event, the jury will select the finalists for GO SINGAPORE 2024. The winners will receive an email with all necessary information for the next steps – latest within a week after the Online Pitch.

GO SINGAPORE 2024 Organizers

This unique accelerator program is organized by GIN Austria – Global Incubator Network Austria – in cooperation with AUSSENWIRSCHAFT AUSTRIA Center Singapore and ACE – Action Community for Entrepreneurship in Singapore.

More about GO SINGAPORE 2024 here.

Global Incubator Network Austria
Men Jia Qiu
Project Manager
+43 1 501 75 294
[email protected] | [email protected]

More about GIN

GIN is the connecting link between Austrian and international startups, investors, incubators and accelerators with a special focus on selected hotspots in Asia.

The Global Incubator Network Austria (GIN) is the connecting link between Austrian and international startups, investors, incubators and accelerators with a focus on selected hotspots in Asia (Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Mainland China, Singapore and South Korea).

GIN is a program initiated by the Federal Ministry of Austria for Labour and Economy, managed by the public funding agencies Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH (aws) and Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG), and financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy (BMAW).

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EU-Startups-Summit: Anfang Mai trifft sich in Barcelona die Startup-Elite

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EU-Startups-Summit: Anfang Mai trifft sich in Barcelona die Startup-Elite

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EU-Startups-Summit: Anfang Mai trifft sich in Barcelona die Startup-Elite

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EU-Startups-Summit: Anfang Mai trifft sich in Barcelona die Startup-Elite

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EU-Startups-Summit: Anfang Mai trifft sich in Barcelona die Startup-Elite

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EU-Startups-Summit: Anfang Mai trifft sich in Barcelona die Startup-Elite

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EU-Startups-Summit: Anfang Mai trifft sich in Barcelona die Startup-Elite

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EU-Startups-Summit: Anfang Mai trifft sich in Barcelona die Startup-Elite

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EU-Startups-Summit: Anfang Mai trifft sich in Barcelona die Startup-Elite