The Female Future of STEM: Education & Career Opportunities

17:00 - 18:00
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Margarete Schramböck (Federal Minister for Digital and Economic Affairs), Gloria Katharina Wagner (Graduate in Business, Research on factors for the lack of women in the IT), Mahdis Gharaei (Co-Founder, The Female Factor) and Ruba Abu Isa (Alumna, Talent Garden Innovation School) will share their personal and professional experiences and discuss about the topic of education and career opportunities for women in the STEM industries (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).

We are looking forward to this one-hour discussion on solutions and educational paths open to men and especially women. We dive into questions like:

-> What patterns are behind the underrepresentation of women in IT?
-> How can the old patterns of thinking among young women be broken down and new opportunities created?

The Problem:
– Only 25% women are employed in the STEM professions in Europe
– Female graduates account for less than 25% of all technical university degrees in Austria
– Individuals act according to stereotypes (e.g. “women are bad at mathematics”)
– Self-underestimation: Girls and women rate themselves much worse in computer skills and mathematics than boys and men despite equal performance
– There are only few female role models in IT that serve as role models for girls and women

The Panelists:
– Margarete Schramböck, Federal Minister for Digital and Economic Affairs
– Gloria Katharina Wagner, Graduate in Business, Research on factors for the lack of women in the IT
– Mahdis Gharaei, Co-Founder, The Female Factor
– Ruba Abu Isa, Alumni, Talent Garden Innovation School

The discussion is moderated by Victoria Devecsai, Marketing & Communications Manager, Talent Garden

Important information
– This event is an online event and will take place on ZOOM.
– After your registration on Eventbrite, you will receive an e-mail with the link to the actual online event. You can enter via the link provided on the day and time of the event (April 28, 5pm).
– The number of guests is limited and only registered people can enter the event.
– Please note that the event will be recorded and it’s content might be used for future marketing activities.

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