(c) AVCO
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SAVE THE DATE for Austria’s leading PE/VC event.

AVCO ANNUAL CONFERENCE: One day – one opportunity to meet up with the top players of the Austrian and CEE private equity and venture capital industry.


Private Capital – A Source for Economic Growth in Austria and CEE

The AVCO ANNUAL CONFERENCE brings together investors, service providers and entrepreneurs. This year we will invite market participants of the CEE Region. Join the conversation, get new insights and extend your network.


Engaging panel discussions on current topics of the industry, top-class speakers, interesting case studies and podium guests from politics, business and the PE/VC scene from Austria and CEE.

  • Economic relevance of PE/VC
  • PE/VC in the CEE region
  • Austria as location for PE/VC funds
  • Reform plans of the Austrian government
  • Current development of national and EU fund initiatives


  • Christoph Boschan | Chief Ececutive Officer, Vienna Stock Exchange (Wiener Börse)
  • Ingo Bleier | Member of the Management Board, Erste Group Bank AG
  • Christian Helmenstein | Chief Economist, Federation of Austrian Industries (Industriellenvereinigung)
  • Thomas Lanyi | Chairman, Singapore Venture Capital & Private Equity Association


  • Martina Höbling | Director Western Europe, M&A, VC & PE, ABA – Invest in Austria
  • Gabriele Todesca | Head of Division, Mandate Management – Equity, European Investment Fund (EIF)
  • Deimantė Korsakaitė | Executive Partner and IC member, INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund
  • Andreas Nemeth | CEO, UNIQA Ventures GmbH
  • Regina Hodits | Managing Partner, Wellington Partners Life Science
  • Mathias Weidner | Senior Partner Business Development, DPE Deutsche Private Equity
  • Annemarie Dalka | Investment Director, PFR Group
  • Fritz Schweiger | CEO, Founder main shareholder, QC Ventures
  • and many more!

Hard Facts

When? October 3, 2019
Where? Park Hyatt Vienna | Am Hof 2, 1010 Vienna
Tickets by avco.at

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