Call for goTokyo 2020 is open – apply NOW!

(c) GIN
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goTokyo 2020 is a unique 2-week acceleration program for Austrian mid- and later-stage startups that want to cross borders and aim to internationalize to Asia. Benefit from customized networking opportunities, individual corporate meetings and valuable business connections, all while experiencing the Summer Olympics first hand.

Hard Facts:

  • Call for applications is open until the 19th of January 2020 – apply online here!
  • goTokyo 2020 will take place from the 28th of July to 5th of August 2020
  • GIN refunds 80% of the expenses up to € 7,000 per startup


  • Verticals: most suitable for Lifestyle, Wellness, Fitness, Wellbeing, RehabTech, Hospitality, Tourism, etc.
  • Austrian mid-/later-stage startup (beyond PoC and seed stage)
  • established in the last 7 years
  • raised at least seed-stage investment
  • unique product/solution
  • working prototype / MVP
  • a proven business model with traction (clients, revenue)
  • interest in connecting to relevant stakeholders (investors, corporates)
  • looking to develop further internationally with a focus on Japan/Asia


  • individual mentoring through personal on-site mentor
  • legal & tax workshops, training, networking & pitching events
  • individual corporate meetings organized by AußenwirtschaftsCenter Tokio
  • option to extend your stay for an additional week funded by GIN 
  • a small batch of max. 6 startups with individual support

For more information on the program, click here!

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