Business Storytelling (Live Online Training)

15:00 - 16:30
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Discover how to craft a persuasive business story that attracts, builds trust, and inspires people to take action without sounding “salesy”


With every business fighting for attention, how do you make sure to stand out from the rest?

1 Word >> Storytelling

Regardless if you are a freelancer, small, medium, or large business, if you:

  • Struggle to position yourself in the market.
  • Confuse customers with your message
  • Fail to get people interested in your business
  • Struggle to persuade people to take action

Then this workshop is for you!

In this workshop you will:

  • Learn to use storytelling successfully regardless of your business size.
  • Simplify your message so you stop confusing your customers
  • Learn to create interest and keep attention with your message
  • Discover how to attract more people to do business with you
  • Implement persuasive elements in your message to get more people to buy from you.

And all combining the power of empathy, purpose, and storytelling.

Sounds good?

Great because it’s FREE!

Very limited spots, please register.


  • 15:00 Welcome Overview
  • 15:05 Business Storytelling
  • 15:15 Secret #1 – How to deliver inspiring stories
  • 15:30 Secret #2 – How to avoid pushing people away with your story
  • 15:50 Secret #3 – How to make sure your stories work regardless of the audience
  • 16:10 Q&A and Wrap Up
  • 16:30 End


Juan Guerra is an entrepreneur and founder of Inspiring Speaking, who stands out by combining storytelling, purpose, and empathy.

He works with startups, accelerators, and companies to grow their business by helping turn a confusing message into a persuasive story that inspires action.

Business Storytelling Workshop

Attract. Connect. Lead.

PS: Know somebody who may benefit from this workshop?
Then help them out by sharing it with them.

This workshop is in English and delivered online on ZOOM

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