How can VCs become Partners of the EU Unicorn Factory? – What’s in it for the Investor with the EIC Accelerator?

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The EIC Accelerator Program initiated by the EU supports individual SMEs, in particular startups and spinout companies, to develop and scaleup game-changing innovations. EIC selected companies receive coaching, mentoring, access to investors and corporates, and many other opportunities as part of the EIC community.

In this edition of the AVCO DEEP DIVE investors and fund managers can learn how to get involved and what’s in for them.

FFG and the Austrian Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs will give insights on:

  • How the EIC Accelerator process works
  • Why it is relevant for investors and their portfolio companies
  • The options of getting involved and minimising risk


  • Georg Panholzer, Austrian Delegate for the EIC, Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs
  • Angelo Nuzzo, Austrian National Contact Points for the EIC, FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency)
  • Christian Frey, Austrian National Contact Points for the EIC, FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency)

We are looking forward to an exciting exchange!

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