the business mentoring program by the female factor | Q&A

18:00 - 19:00
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Get mentored by global industry leaders & accelerate your career or business.

– about this event –
No matter your goal – whether you want to work towards that promotion, settle in a new environment, change professions, write that book, start your own business or just want to be guided by a role model – having a mentor is ALWAYS a good idea. Join us for our dedicated Q&A and get all your burning questions about the business mentoring program for future female leaders answered.

Get mentored by global industry leaders & accelerate your career or business through our international mentoring program for the next generation of female leaders. Applications of our 6-month exclusive mentoring program are open until September 13 –>

– who are you learning from? –
Experienced founders, managers, artists, you name it, ready to help you taking the next steps in your career or business.

Just to name-drop a few:

x Eveline Steinberger-Kern, who has spent more than 20 years in different leading management positions in the sectors of energy and infrastructure
x Sarah Chen, investor and cofounder of BeyondTheBillion, raising billions for women-led startups
x Marie Boltenstern, who took over the jewelry family business & revolutionized it through pioneering technology
x Sheryl Foo, finance expert who served as Barack Obama’s Fellow with the US Department of State
x Mariam Al-Ayash, founder of Wiener Portraits and viral video producer, who has worked with people like Justin Timberlake
… & many more.

– why mentoring? –
Mentoring is not only a proven tool to reach a career milestone, it also supports work-life balance and boosts one’s confidence & decision-making capabilities. Among others:

x participating in a mentoring program can make one’s chances to get promoted almost 5x higher
x mentoring has been shown to boost minority representation at management level by up to 24%
x most mentoring-related studies show a significant increase in self-awareness confidence for both mentors and mentees
x being guided by a mentor has been proven to improve goal-setting abilities and follow-through rates
x 71% of fortune 500 companies have mentoring programs
how does it work?

To join the mentoring program you have to be an active member of our global community. You can learn more about the inner circle and apply to become part at As a member, you can choose from our hand-picked mentors, apply & get matched.

– about the female factor –
The female factor is a curated global community advancing careers and creating business opportunities for a new era of female leaders by boosting confidence, competence & connections.

– about the inner circle –
The inner circle is the members-only community by the female factor. Members get access to a tailor-made opportunity journey including mentoring sessions, hands-on career knowledge, accountability partners, confidence trainings and a great network of peers.

This program is part of the inner circle offer and free for all members. If you’re not a member yet, you can apply to join via

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