CIRCLE17 KICK-OFF: collaboration is the engine of global resilience

16:30 - 18:00
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Welcome to the circle17 Kick-off! An online event in which we’ll explore the opportunity that lies with collaboration and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to build resilient businesses that persist, adapt and transform in the face of change.

Join and get inspired by our virtual panel that will shed light onto the opportunities & challenges of partnerships between startups, corporates and NPOs for a crisis-proof future.

How can your business become more resilient, and meet the Sustainable Development Goals?
What opportunities lie in corporate- startup collaboration, as tool and instrument for building economic resilience?
How can you play a role and collaborate in shaping the future for the better through circle17?
Moreover, learn from the success stories from circle17 alumni, who will share how corporate & NPO collaboration has enabled them to move their sustainable startups forward.

On top of that you will learn how you can participate at circle17, and find potential partners yourself for a better future for all of us.

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