
TECC 2020: These 3 ideas emerged from the entrepreneurship programme

At the Training On Entrepreneurship & Company Creation (TECC), three new business ideas were developed, which have now been presented at a final pitch event.
(c) TECC/AVL/Katrin Wrulich

The Corona crisis taught that the environment around us can change very quickly and we need to be more flexible and to constantly adapt our mindset to different situations, trying to catch new opportunities.

In such a complex environment, educational institutions and organizations are today closer than ever. They are working together to train young students, providing them with the skills and competences necessary to face the challenges of the future.

TECC – Training On Entrepreneurship & Company Creation – is an example of how universities and organizations can cooperate through innovative training formats which ehance the transfer of knowledge and the development of both hard and soft skills.

Students develop their own startup ideas with TECC

At the beginning of March 2020, the Institute for International Management at FH JOANNEUM together with its partners AVL List, Raiffeisenlandesbank Steiermark and 360Lab launched TECC (Training On Entrepreneurship & Company Creation), a new training program focused on the development of entrepreneurial skills and practical knowledge within the university.  

“With the TECC training programme, we want to give students, together with our partners, both the theoretical basics as well as the mindset and our entrepreneurial spirit, so that they develop the tools they need to react flexibly to future challenges and find innovative solutions as founders or entrepreneurs in the company,” says AVL at Raiffeisen Landesbank Steiermark again emphasises the concern to promote creativity and innovation in the Styrian economy: “Qualities that are in great demand – in times of crisis all the more so. Young people who invest their energy in innovation are shaping the world of tomorrow and contribute with their ideas and implementation to the future of Styria as a business location”.

During these months, the teams have worked hard on the development of their projects, facing always new challenges and issues related to their potential markets. Partners have supported each team through coaching and mentoring sessions where students had the chance to get some practical insights about the startup and corporate’s world.

“We are very proud to be able to implement this entrepreneurship training at FH JOANNEUM together with our corporate partners”, says Doris Kiendl, FH JOANNEUM, about the programme: “The general conditions are of course difficult at the moment, but it has been shown that even in virtual space thoughts can sparkle and that entrepreneurial ideas can be worked on with fun and energy. This gives our students very important additional skills.

“Especially in challenging times, innovative ideas and passionate people are needed to make them become reality. We are very pleased to support students within the framework of TECC, together with our partners. With proven tools, our experience and expertise we want to prepare the next generation of entrepreneurs for this journey”, says also the team of the 360 Innovation Lab

Three business ideas as a result of TECC

The project involves students from different courses of study who have the motivation to develop their own business ideas and to acquire the necessary skills. During the program, students have attended online lectures and meetings with professors and experts in the fields of business development, business modeling and business planning. As result, they came up with three business ideas in different sectors and with the creation of multidisciplinary teams.

These are the three Teams

  • Manuel Karner, Fabienne Burger, Sara Maria Oberleitner, Andreas Kollmann:

 “We are DigiBills, a startup which aims to revolutionize receipts and digitalize them. We wanna create a more sustainable everyday life and improve the availability and categorization of receipts. Our app will provide a throughout solution for customers and businesses alike. Our team appreciates especially the possibility and guidance throughout the testing phase and selection of possible MVPs.”

  • Sandra Fröhwein, Anton Heidinger, Carolin Kobierski, Stefanie Lukas, Christina Niederl:

“We are BAUERPUMPkin and our mission is to offer local produced protein bars to health-conscious people. We want to create a fitness snack that does not only support local farmers but also offers a tasty alternative to artificial shakes. TECC helped us to realize that any idea can lead to great success. You just need to believe in your dreams and be agile – because the first idea does not have to be the last one! Constant changing and adapting is key and what we also learned: it is ok to fail – because you will come back stronger.”

  • Ivana Civsa, Collasius Yannick, Rothschädl Markus, Schadinger Julia, Waltenstorfer Tobias:

“Our project is called afloAT and it’s a platform that connects companies with highly skilled individuals who do not speak the local language. What’s in it for them? For the companies we are filtering out the best candidates for the job posted, and for candidates we are providing consultancy services in terms of reviewing the application documents, CVs etc.; What TECC told us (amongst so many things!) is that even when nobody believes in your idea at first, you can work on it and prove everyone wrong because you adapt it your potential customer’s needs and show that any idea can be feasible.”

Presentation of the start-up ideas at a pitch event

The first semester was closed with the Final Pitch Event which took place on 23rd June 2020 at FH JOANNEUM. During the final event, each team had around 5 minutes to pitch its business idea and to convince guests that it could become a business opportunity.

The students showed to the audience how they have structured their business models and how they have built and validated their first MVP (Minimum Viable Product). The pitches were evaluated by a jury of four experts. At the end, the students received a feedback on the basis of the criteria of value proposition, market potential, innovation, business model, design of the presentation and pitch.

The event was also an opportunity to exchange valuable experience concerning the collaboration between corporates and institutions as way to enhance innovation and to spread the entrepreneurial culture.

Slideshow: The highlights of the TECC closing event

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“Die Zeit des Zuwartens ist vorbei”

Nachlese. Wo steht die österreichische Wirtschaft bei künstlicher Intelligenz zwei Jahre nach Erscheinen von ChatGPT? Dies diskutieren Doris Lippert von Microsoft und Thomas Steirer von Nagarro in der ersten Folge der neuen brutkasten-Serie "No Hype KI".

“Die Zeit des Zuwartens ist vorbei”

Nachlese. Wo steht die österreichische Wirtschaft bei künstlicher Intelligenz zwei Jahre nach Erscheinen von ChatGPT? Dies diskutieren Doris Lippert von Microsoft und Thomas Steirer von Nagarro in der ersten Folge der neuen brutkasten-Serie "No Hype KI".
Doris Lippert (Microsoft | Director Global Partner Solutions und Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung) und Thomas Steirer (Nagarro | Chief Technology Officer)
Doris Lippert (Microsoft | Director Global Partner Solutions und Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung) und Thomas Steirer (Nagarro | Chief Technology Officer) | Foto: brutkasten

“No Hype KI” wird unterstützt von CANCOM Austria, IBM, ITSV, Microsoft, Nagarro, Red Hat und Universität Graz

Mit der neuen multimedialen Serie “No Hype KI” wollen wir eine Bestandsaufnahme zu künstlicher Intelligenz in der österreichischen Wirtschaft liefern. In der ersten Folge diskutieren Doris Lippert, Director Global Partner Solutions und Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung bei Microsoft Österreich, und Thomas Steirer, Chief Technology Officer bei Nagarro, über den Status Quo zwei Jahre nach Erscheinen von ChatGPT.

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„Das war ein richtiger Hype. Nach wenigen Tagen hatte ChatGPT über eine Million Nutzer”, erinnert sich Lippert an den Start des OpenAI-Chatbots Ende 2022. Seither habe sich aber viel geändert: “Heute ist das gar kein Hype mehr, sondern Realität“, sagt Lippert. Die Technologie habe sich längst in den Alltag integriert, kaum jemand spreche noch davon, dass er sein Smartphone über eine „KI-Anwendung“ entsperre oder sein Auto mithilfe von KI einparke: “Wenn es im Alltag angekommen ist, sagt keiner mehr KI-Lösung dazu”.

Auch Thomas Steirer erinnert sich an den Moment, als ChatGPT erschien: „Für mich war das ein richtiger Flashback. Ich habe vor vielen Jahren KI studiert und dann lange darauf gewartet, dass wirklich alltagstaugliche Lösungen kommen. Mit ChatGPT war dann klar: Jetzt sind wir wirklich da.“ Er sieht in dieser Entwicklung einen entscheidenden Schritt, der KI aus der reinen Forschungsecke in den aktiven, spürbaren Endnutzer-Bereich gebracht habe.

Von erster Begeisterung zu realistischen Erwartungen

Anfangs herrschte in Unternehmen noch ein gewisser Aktionismus: „Den Satz ‘Wir müssen irgendwas mit KI machen’ habe ich sehr, sehr oft gehört“, meint Steirer. Inzwischen habe sich die Erwartungshaltung realistischer entwickelt. Unternehmen gingen nun strategischer vor, untersuchten konkrete Use Cases und setzten auf institutionalisierte Strukturen – etwa durch sogenannte “Centers of Excellence” – um KI langfristig zu integrieren. „Wir sehen, dass jetzt fast jedes Unternehmen in Österreich KI-Initiativen hat“, sagt Lippert. „Diese Anlaufkurve hat eine Zeit lang gedauert, aber jetzt sehen wir viele reale Use-Cases und wir brauchen uns als Land nicht verstecken.“

Spar, Strabag, Uniqa: Use-Cases aus der österreichischen Wirtschaft

Lippert nennt etwa den Lebensmittelhändler Spar, der mithilfe von KI sein Obst- und Gemüsesortiment auf Basis von Kaufverhalten, Wetterdaten und Rabatten punktgenau steuert. Weniger Verschwendung, bessere Lieferkette: “Lieferkettenoptimierung ist ein Purpose-Driven-Use-Case, der international sehr viel Aufmerksamkeit bekommt und der sich übrigens über alle Branchen repliziert”, erläutert die Microsoft-Expertin.

Auch die Baubranche hat Anwendungsfälle vorzuweisen: Bei Strabag wird mittels KI die Risikobewertung von Baustellen verbessert, indem historische Daten zum Bauträger, zu Lieferanten und zum Bauteam analysiert werden.

Im Versicherungsbereich hat die UNIQA mithilfe eines KI-basierten „Tarif-Bots“ den Zeitaufwand für Tarifauskünfte um 50 Prozent reduziert, was die Mitarbeiter:innen von repetitiven Tätigkeiten entlastet und ihnen mehr Spielraum für sinnstiftende Tätigkeiten lässt.

Nicht immer geht es aber um Effizienzsteigerung. Ein KI-Projekt einer anderen Art wurde kürzlich bei der jüngsten Microsoft-Konferenz Ignite präsentiert: Der Hera Space Companion (brutkasten berichtete). Gemeinsam mit der ESA, Terra Mater und dem österreichischen Startup Impact.ai wurde ein digitaler Space Companion entwickelt, mit dem sich Nutzer in Echtzeit über Weltraummissionen austauschen können. „Das macht Wissenschaft zum ersten Mal wirklich greifbar“, sagt Lippert. „Meine Kinder haben am Wochenende die Planeten im Gespräch mit dem Space Companion gelernt.“

Herausforderungen: Infrastruktur, Daten und Sicherheit

Auch wenn die genannten Use Cases Erfolgsbeispiele zeigen, sind Unternehmen, die KI einsetzen wollen, klarerweise auch mit Herausforderungen konfrontiert. Diese unterscheiden sich je nachdem, wie weit die „KI-Maturität“ der Unternehmen fortgeschritten sei, erläutert Lippert. Für jene, die schon Use-.Cases erprobt haben, gehe es nun um den großflächigen Rollout. Dabei offenbaren sich klassische Herausforderungen: „Integration in Legacy-Systeme, Datenstrategie, Datenarchitektur, Sicherheit – all das darf man nicht unterschätzen“, sagt Lippert.

“Eine große Herausforderung für Unternehmen ist auch die Frage: Wer sind wir überhaupt?”, ergänzt Steirer. Unternehmen müssten sich fragen, ob sie eine KI-Firma seien, ein Software-Entwicklungsunternehmen oder ein reines Fachunternehmen. Daran anschließend ergeben sich dann Folgefragen: „Muss ich selbst KI-Modelle trainieren oder kann ich auf bestehende Plattformen aufsetzen? Was ist meine langfristige Strategie?“ Er sieht in dieser Phase den Übergang von kleinen Experimenten über breite Implementierung bis hin zur Institutionalisierung von KI im Unternehmen.

Langfristiges Potenzial heben

Langfristig stehen die Zeichen stehen auf Wachstum, sind sich Lippert und Steirer einig. „Wir überschätzen oft den kurzfristigen Impact und unterschätzen den langfristigen“, sagt die Microsoft-Expertin. Sie verweist auf eine im Juni präsentierte Studie, wonach KI-gestützte Ökosysteme das Bruttoinlandsprodukt Österreichs deutlich steigern könnten – und zwar um etwa 18 Prozent (brutkasten berichtete). „Das wäre wie ein zehntes Bundesland, nach Wien wäre es dann das wirtschaftsstärkste“, so Lippert. „Wir müssen uns klar machen, dass KI eine Allzwecktechnologie wie Elektrizität oder das Internet ist.“

Auch Steirer ist überzeugt, dass sich für heimische Unternehmen massive Chancen eröffnen: “Ich glaube auch, dass wir einfach massiv unterschätzen, was das für einen langfristigen Impact haben wird”. Der Appell des Nagarro-Experten: „Es geht jetzt wirklich darum, nicht mehr zuzuwarten, sondern sich mit KI auseinanderzusetzen, umzusetzen und Wert zu stiften.“

Folge nachsehen: No Hype KI – wo stehen wir nach zwei Jahren ChatGPT?

Die Serie wird von brutkasten in redaktioneller Unabhängigkeit mit finanzieller Unterstützung unserer Partner:innen produziert.

Die Partner von No Hype KI
Die Partner von No Hype KI
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AI Summaries

TECC 2020: These 3 ideas emerged from the entrepreneurship programme

  • Manuel Karner, Fabienne Burger, Sara Maria Oberleitner, Andreas Kollmann:
“We are DigiBills, a startup which aims to revolutionize receipts and digitalize them. We wanna create a more sustainable everyday life and improve the availability and categorization of receipts. Our app will provide a throughout solution for customers and businesses alike. Our team appreciates especially the possibility and guidance throughout the testing phase and selection of possible MVPs.”
  • Sandra Fröhwein, Anton Heidinger, Carolin Kobierski, Stefanie Lukas, Christina Niederl:
“We are BAUERPUMPkin and our mission is to offer local produced protein bars to health-conscious people. We want to create a fitness snack that does not only support local farmers but also offers a tasty alternative to artificial shakes. TECC helped us to realize that any idea can lead to great success. You just need to believe in your dreams and be agile – because the first idea does not have to be the last one! Constant changing and adapting is key and what we also learned: it is ok to fail – because you will come back stronger.”
  • Ivana Civsa, Collasius Yannick, Rothschädl Markus, Schadinger Julia, Waltenstorfer Tobias:
“Our project is called afloAT and it’s a platform that connects companies with highly skilled individuals who do not speak the local language. What’s in it for them? For the companies we are filtering out the best candidates for the job posted, and for candidates we are providing consultancy services in terms of reviewing the application documents, CVs etc.; What TECC told us (amongst so many things!) is that even when nobody believes in your idea at first, you can work on it and prove everyone wrong because you adapt it your potential customer’s needs and show that any idea can be feasible.”

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TECC 2020: These 3 ideas emerged from the entrepreneurship programme

  • Manuel Karner, Fabienne Burger, Sara Maria Oberleitner, Andreas Kollmann:
“We are DigiBills, a startup which aims to revolutionize receipts and digitalize them. We wanna create a more sustainable everyday life and improve the availability and categorization of receipts. Our app will provide a throughout solution for customers and businesses alike. Our team appreciates especially the possibility and guidance throughout the testing phase and selection of possible MVPs.”
  • Sandra Fröhwein, Anton Heidinger, Carolin Kobierski, Stefanie Lukas, Christina Niederl:
“We are BAUERPUMPkin and our mission is to offer local produced protein bars to health-conscious people. We want to create a fitness snack that does not only support local farmers but also offers a tasty alternative to artificial shakes. TECC helped us to realize that any idea can lead to great success. You just need to believe in your dreams and be agile – because the first idea does not have to be the last one! Constant changing and adapting is key and what we also learned: it is ok to fail – because you will come back stronger.”
  • Ivana Civsa, Collasius Yannick, Rothschädl Markus, Schadinger Julia, Waltenstorfer Tobias:
“Our project is called afloAT and it’s a platform that connects companies with highly skilled individuals who do not speak the local language. What’s in it for them? For the companies we are filtering out the best candidates for the job posted, and for candidates we are providing consultancy services in terms of reviewing the application documents, CVs etc.; What TECC told us (amongst so many things!) is that even when nobody believes in your idea at first, you can work on it and prove everyone wrong because you adapt it your potential customer’s needs and show that any idea can be feasible.”

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TECC 2020: These 3 ideas emerged from the entrepreneurship programme

  • Manuel Karner, Fabienne Burger, Sara Maria Oberleitner, Andreas Kollmann:
“We are DigiBills, a startup which aims to revolutionize receipts and digitalize them. We wanna create a more sustainable everyday life and improve the availability and categorization of receipts. Our app will provide a throughout solution for customers and businesses alike. Our team appreciates especially the possibility and guidance throughout the testing phase and selection of possible MVPs.”
  • Sandra Fröhwein, Anton Heidinger, Carolin Kobierski, Stefanie Lukas, Christina Niederl:
“We are BAUERPUMPkin and our mission is to offer local produced protein bars to health-conscious people. We want to create a fitness snack that does not only support local farmers but also offers a tasty alternative to artificial shakes. TECC helped us to realize that any idea can lead to great success. You just need to believe in your dreams and be agile – because the first idea does not have to be the last one! Constant changing and adapting is key and what we also learned: it is ok to fail – because you will come back stronger.”
  • Ivana Civsa, Collasius Yannick, Rothschädl Markus, Schadinger Julia, Waltenstorfer Tobias:
“Our project is called afloAT and it’s a platform that connects companies with highly skilled individuals who do not speak the local language. What’s in it for them? For the companies we are filtering out the best candidates for the job posted, and for candidates we are providing consultancy services in terms of reviewing the application documents, CVs etc.; What TECC told us (amongst so many things!) is that even when nobody believes in your idea at first, you can work on it and prove everyone wrong because you adapt it your potential customer’s needs and show that any idea can be feasible.”

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TECC 2020: These 3 ideas emerged from the entrepreneurship programme

  • Manuel Karner, Fabienne Burger, Sara Maria Oberleitner, Andreas Kollmann:
“We are DigiBills, a startup which aims to revolutionize receipts and digitalize them. We wanna create a more sustainable everyday life and improve the availability and categorization of receipts. Our app will provide a throughout solution for customers and businesses alike. Our team appreciates especially the possibility and guidance throughout the testing phase and selection of possible MVPs.”
  • Sandra Fröhwein, Anton Heidinger, Carolin Kobierski, Stefanie Lukas, Christina Niederl:
“We are BAUERPUMPkin and our mission is to offer local produced protein bars to health-conscious people. We want to create a fitness snack that does not only support local farmers but also offers a tasty alternative to artificial shakes. TECC helped us to realize that any idea can lead to great success. You just need to believe in your dreams and be agile – because the first idea does not have to be the last one! Constant changing and adapting is key and what we also learned: it is ok to fail – because you will come back stronger.”
  • Ivana Civsa, Collasius Yannick, Rothschädl Markus, Schadinger Julia, Waltenstorfer Tobias:
“Our project is called afloAT and it’s a platform that connects companies with highly skilled individuals who do not speak the local language. What’s in it for them? For the companies we are filtering out the best candidates for the job posted, and for candidates we are providing consultancy services in terms of reviewing the application documents, CVs etc.; What TECC told us (amongst so many things!) is that even when nobody believes in your idea at first, you can work on it and prove everyone wrong because you adapt it your potential customer’s needs and show that any idea can be feasible.”

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TECC 2020: These 3 ideas emerged from the entrepreneurship programme

  • Manuel Karner, Fabienne Burger, Sara Maria Oberleitner, Andreas Kollmann:
“We are DigiBills, a startup which aims to revolutionize receipts and digitalize them. We wanna create a more sustainable everyday life and improve the availability and categorization of receipts. Our app will provide a throughout solution for customers and businesses alike. Our team appreciates especially the possibility and guidance throughout the testing phase and selection of possible MVPs.”
  • Sandra Fröhwein, Anton Heidinger, Carolin Kobierski, Stefanie Lukas, Christina Niederl:
“We are BAUERPUMPkin and our mission is to offer local produced protein bars to health-conscious people. We want to create a fitness snack that does not only support local farmers but also offers a tasty alternative to artificial shakes. TECC helped us to realize that any idea can lead to great success. You just need to believe in your dreams and be agile – because the first idea does not have to be the last one! Constant changing and adapting is key and what we also learned: it is ok to fail – because you will come back stronger.”
  • Ivana Civsa, Collasius Yannick, Rothschädl Markus, Schadinger Julia, Waltenstorfer Tobias:
“Our project is called afloAT and it’s a platform that connects companies with highly skilled individuals who do not speak the local language. What’s in it for them? For the companies we are filtering out the best candidates for the job posted, and for candidates we are providing consultancy services in terms of reviewing the application documents, CVs etc.; What TECC told us (amongst so many things!) is that even when nobody believes in your idea at first, you can work on it and prove everyone wrong because you adapt it your potential customer’s needs and show that any idea can be feasible.”

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TECC 2020: These 3 ideas emerged from the entrepreneurship programme

  • Manuel Karner, Fabienne Burger, Sara Maria Oberleitner, Andreas Kollmann:
“We are DigiBills, a startup which aims to revolutionize receipts and digitalize them. We wanna create a more sustainable everyday life and improve the availability and categorization of receipts. Our app will provide a throughout solution for customers and businesses alike. Our team appreciates especially the possibility and guidance throughout the testing phase and selection of possible MVPs.”
  • Sandra Fröhwein, Anton Heidinger, Carolin Kobierski, Stefanie Lukas, Christina Niederl:
“We are BAUERPUMPkin and our mission is to offer local produced protein bars to health-conscious people. We want to create a fitness snack that does not only support local farmers but also offers a tasty alternative to artificial shakes. TECC helped us to realize that any idea can lead to great success. You just need to believe in your dreams and be agile – because the first idea does not have to be the last one! Constant changing and adapting is key and what we also learned: it is ok to fail – because you will come back stronger.”
  • Ivana Civsa, Collasius Yannick, Rothschädl Markus, Schadinger Julia, Waltenstorfer Tobias:
“Our project is called afloAT and it’s a platform that connects companies with highly skilled individuals who do not speak the local language. What’s in it for them? For the companies we are filtering out the best candidates for the job posted, and for candidates we are providing consultancy services in terms of reviewing the application documents, CVs etc.; What TECC told us (amongst so many things!) is that even when nobody believes in your idea at first, you can work on it and prove everyone wrong because you adapt it your potential customer’s needs and show that any idea can be feasible.”

AI Kontextualisierung

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TECC 2020: These 3 ideas emerged from the entrepreneurship programme

  • Manuel Karner, Fabienne Burger, Sara Maria Oberleitner, Andreas Kollmann:
“We are DigiBills, a startup which aims to revolutionize receipts and digitalize them. We wanna create a more sustainable everyday life and improve the availability and categorization of receipts. Our app will provide a throughout solution for customers and businesses alike. Our team appreciates especially the possibility and guidance throughout the testing phase and selection of possible MVPs.”
  • Sandra Fröhwein, Anton Heidinger, Carolin Kobierski, Stefanie Lukas, Christina Niederl:
“We are BAUERPUMPkin and our mission is to offer local produced protein bars to health-conscious people. We want to create a fitness snack that does not only support local farmers but also offers a tasty alternative to artificial shakes. TECC helped us to realize that any idea can lead to great success. You just need to believe in your dreams and be agile – because the first idea does not have to be the last one! Constant changing and adapting is key and what we also learned: it is ok to fail – because you will come back stronger.”
  • Ivana Civsa, Collasius Yannick, Rothschädl Markus, Schadinger Julia, Waltenstorfer Tobias:
“Our project is called afloAT and it’s a platform that connects companies with highly skilled individuals who do not speak the local language. What’s in it for them? For the companies we are filtering out the best candidates for the job posted, and for candidates we are providing consultancy services in terms of reviewing the application documents, CVs etc.; What TECC told us (amongst so many things!) is that even when nobody believes in your idea at first, you can work on it and prove everyone wrong because you adapt it your potential customer’s needs and show that any idea can be feasible.”

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TECC 2020: These 3 ideas emerged from the entrepreneurship programme

  • Manuel Karner, Fabienne Burger, Sara Maria Oberleitner, Andreas Kollmann:
“We are DigiBills, a startup which aims to revolutionize receipts and digitalize them. We wanna create a more sustainable everyday life and improve the availability and categorization of receipts. Our app will provide a throughout solution for customers and businesses alike. Our team appreciates especially the possibility and guidance throughout the testing phase and selection of possible MVPs.”
  • Sandra Fröhwein, Anton Heidinger, Carolin Kobierski, Stefanie Lukas, Christina Niederl:
“We are BAUERPUMPkin and our mission is to offer local produced protein bars to health-conscious people. We want to create a fitness snack that does not only support local farmers but also offers a tasty alternative to artificial shakes. TECC helped us to realize that any idea can lead to great success. You just need to believe in your dreams and be agile – because the first idea does not have to be the last one! Constant changing and adapting is key and what we also learned: it is ok to fail – because you will come back stronger.”
  • Ivana Civsa, Collasius Yannick, Rothschädl Markus, Schadinger Julia, Waltenstorfer Tobias:
“Our project is called afloAT and it’s a platform that connects companies with highly skilled individuals who do not speak the local language. What’s in it for them? For the companies we are filtering out the best candidates for the job posted, and for candidates we are providing consultancy services in terms of reviewing the application documents, CVs etc.; What TECC told us (amongst so many things!) is that even when nobody believes in your idea at first, you can work on it and prove everyone wrong because you adapt it your potential customer’s needs and show that any idea can be feasible.”

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TECC 2020: These 3 ideas emerged from the entrepreneurship programme

  • Manuel Karner, Fabienne Burger, Sara Maria Oberleitner, Andreas Kollmann:
“We are DigiBills, a startup which aims to revolutionize receipts and digitalize them. We wanna create a more sustainable everyday life and improve the availability and categorization of receipts. Our app will provide a throughout solution for customers and businesses alike. Our team appreciates especially the possibility and guidance throughout the testing phase and selection of possible MVPs.”
  • Sandra Fröhwein, Anton Heidinger, Carolin Kobierski, Stefanie Lukas, Christina Niederl:
“We are BAUERPUMPkin and our mission is to offer local produced protein bars to health-conscious people. We want to create a fitness snack that does not only support local farmers but also offers a tasty alternative to artificial shakes. TECC helped us to realize that any idea can lead to great success. You just need to believe in your dreams and be agile – because the first idea does not have to be the last one! Constant changing and adapting is key and what we also learned: it is ok to fail – because you will come back stronger.”
  • Ivana Civsa, Collasius Yannick, Rothschädl Markus, Schadinger Julia, Waltenstorfer Tobias:
“Our project is called afloAT and it’s a platform that connects companies with highly skilled individuals who do not speak the local language. What’s in it for them? For the companies we are filtering out the best candidates for the job posted, and for candidates we are providing consultancy services in terms of reviewing the application documents, CVs etc.; What TECC told us (amongst so many things!) is that even when nobody believes in your idea at first, you can work on it and prove everyone wrong because you adapt it your potential customer’s needs and show that any idea can be feasible.”