
GIN: The call for goSeoul 2020 is extended until May 15th

The Global Incubator Network Austria (short GIN) in cooperation with AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA is looking for Austrian later-stage startups from all verticals for the next goAsia program in South Korea. goSeoul 2020 is a unique 1-week acceleration program for Austrian startups that want to cross borders and aim to internationalize to Asia, especially to South Korea. The Call is now extended until 15th May 2020.
(c) GIN

+++ Important information +++ The Global Incubator Network (GIN) is closely monitoring the situation and development regarding COVID-19 and will keep founders up to date about any necessary changes in the program scheduled for September 2020. With respect to all current measures announced by the Austrian Federal Government and all affected authorities in Austria or Asia, the on-site program may be conducted ONLINE or postponed to a later point in time. 


The Global Incubator Network (GIN) is looking for Austrian later-stage startups from all verticals for our next goAsia program in South Korea. Together with AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA GIN supports founders in their internationalization to the world’s most innovative startups hubs.

goSeoul 2020 is a unique 1-week acceleration program for Austrian startups that wants to cross borders and aim to internationalize to Asia, especially to South Korea. The program allows first insights into the Korean market and connects the startups with relevant stakeholders and experts of the local startup community.

Also, GIN refunds 80% of all expenses including travel and accommodation costs up to max. € 7,000 per startup.


goSeoul 2020 | Hard Facts


  • GIN refunds 80% of the expenses up to 7,000 per startup
  • legal & tax workshops, training, networking & pitching events
  • individual 1:1 business meetings with investors, corporates and potential clients
  • individual mentoring through personal on-site mentor
  • option to extend your stay for an additional week funded by GIN
  • a small batch of max. 8 startups with individual support


  • OPEN to all Verticals
  • Austrian later-stage startup (beyond PoC and seed-stage)
  • established in the last 7 years
  • raised at least seed-stage investment
  • unique product/solution & working prototype / MVP
  • a proven business model with traction (clients, revenue)
  • interest in connecting to relevant stakeholders (investors, corporates)
  • looking to develop further internationally with a focus on South Korea/Asia


Due to the current situation regarding COVID-19, the program scheduled for September might be conducted online. In this case, all selected startups will have valuable workshops and seminars based in Vienna as well as 1:1 online meetings with relevant stakeholders (investors/corporates based in South Korea). Currently GIN is in close contact with its international partners and it will keep founders up to date about any necessary changes in the goSeoul 2020 program.

  • STEP 1

    Online Application on aws Connect

    latest by May 15th, 2020 (23:59 CET)

    1. Register on aws Connect and create an account
    2. Fill out the online form and upload your recent pitch-deck
    3. Apply now: www.aws.at/goseoul2020apply
  • STEP 2


    within a week after call closing

    The GIN-Team informs all applicants whether or not they are selected for the Online Pitch Event via e-mail. The pre-selected startups will receive an e-mail with all log-on details.

  • STEP 3

    Online Pitch Event

    May 26, 2020 | 9.00 am – 11.00 am (CET)

    The pre-selected startups have 3 minutes to pitch in English online followed by a short Q&A session by the jury of national an international experts. The Online Pitch will take place on the 26th of May 2020 from 9.00 am to 11.00 am(Please block this time in your calendar preliminary!)

  • STEP 4

    Final Decision – Congratulations!

    within a week after the Oline Pitch Event

    After the Online Pitch the jury will select the goSeoul 2020 finalists. The selected startups for goSeoul 2020 will receive an e-mail with next steps from the GIN-Team latest by the end of May!


Global Incubator Network Austria

Carina Margreiter – Program Manager

T: +43 1 501 75 259

E: [email protected] | [email protected]

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Ehemaliger stv. Neos-Klubdirektor gründet neues AI-Politik-Startup

AI Empowered Politics verfolgt das Ziel, politische Prozesse durch KI transparenter und zugänglicher zu gestalten. Hinter dem Startup steht der ehemalige stellvertretender Klubdirektor im Neos-Parlamentsklub Mathias Lipp.

Ehemaliger stv. Neos-Klubdirektor gründet neues AI-Politik-Startup

AI Empowered Politics verfolgt das Ziel, politische Prozesse durch KI transparenter und zugänglicher zu gestalten. Hinter dem Startup steht der ehemalige stellvertretender Klubdirektor im Neos-Parlamentsklub Mathias Lipp.
(c) BW Stiftung/ Viktor Heekeren

Mit AI Empowered Politics und seiner Plattform VoterAI betritt ein neues österreichisches Startup die Bühne, das Künstliche Intelligenz nutzt, um Transparenz in der Politik zu fördern. Ziel ist es, politische Prozesse nachvollziehbarer zu machen und insbesondere junge Wähler:innen durch innovative digitale Formate zu erreichen.

AI Empowered Politics wurde von Mathias Lipp gegründet, der zuletzt als Leiter der politischen Abteilung und stellvertretender Klubdirektor im Neos-Parlamentsklub tätig war. “Nach knapp vier Jahren Erfahrung in verschiedenen Führungspositionen habe ich aus erster Hand erlebt, wie wichtig effiziente und faktenbasierte Entscheidungsprozesse in der Politik sind. Diese Erkenntnis, gepaart mit meiner Expertise in Data Analytics und meiner Faszination für die Möglichkeiten künstlicher Intelligenz, hat mich dazu bewogen, AI Empowered Politics zu gründen”, so Lipp.

Voter AI: Fokus auf junge Wähler:innen

Die Plattform analysiert politische Positionen auf Basis offizieller Dokumente und möchte so eine faktenbasierte Auseinandersetzung mit Politik fördern. Dazu zählen etwa Quellen wie Parlamentsreden und Wahlprogramme. Im ersten Schritt richtet sich VoterAI speziell an junge Wähler:innen, um diese stärker in politische Prozesse einzubinden.

Mathias Lipp

“Wir müssen Politik dort zugänglich machen, wo junge Menschen sind“, erklärt Lipp. Daher arbeitet das Team daran, VoterAI nahtlos in soziale Plattformen wie Instagram zu integrieren. So sollen politische Inhalte auf innovative und interaktive Weise vermittelt werden, um die Jugend für Demokratie zu begeistern.

Mit einem interaktiven Kompass können Nutzer:innen zudem ihre eigene politische Position entdecken und mit Parteiprogrammen vergleichen. Jede Analyse ist dabei bis zu den Originalquellen nachvollziehbar, was Vertrauen in die Ergebnisse schaffen soll.

“Unser Ziel ist es, die politische Landschaft zugänglicher und partizipativer zu gestalten“, erklärt Mathias Lipp. “Wir glauben, dass KI eine Schlüsselrolle dabei spielen kann, Desinformation zu bekämpfen und Bürger:innen fundierte Entscheidungen zu ermöglichen.”

15.000 Euro Preisgeld gewonnen

Und das Konzept findet Anklang. Beim einem Politechathon im Dezember 2024 in Berlin hat sich das Team von AI Empowered Politics mit seiner Plattform VoterAI den Sieg in der Kategorie Technologie gesichert und ein Preisgeld in der Höhe von 15.000 Euro gewonnen. Das Event, von der Baden-Württemberg Stiftung und AI4Democracy, brachte Expert:innen aus Politik, Technologie und Zivilgesellschaft in Berlin zusammen, um die Chancen und Risiken von KI für demokratische Prozesse zu analysieren.

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AI Summaries

GIN: The call for goSeoul 2020 is extended until May 15th

  • The Global Incubator Network Austria (short GIN) in cooperation with AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA is looking for Austrian later-stage startups from all verticals for the next goAsia program in South Korea.
  • goSeoul 2020 is a unique 1-week acceleration program for Austrian startups that want to cross borders and aim to internationalize to Asia, especially to South Korea.
  • The Call is now extended until 15th May 2020.

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GIN: The call for goSeoul 2020 is extended until May 15th

  • The Global Incubator Network Austria (short GIN) in cooperation with AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA is looking for Austrian later-stage startups from all verticals for the next goAsia program in South Korea.
  • goSeoul 2020 is a unique 1-week acceleration program for Austrian startups that want to cross borders and aim to internationalize to Asia, especially to South Korea.
  • The Call is now extended until 15th May 2020.

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GIN: The call for goSeoul 2020 is extended until May 15th

  • The Global Incubator Network Austria (short GIN) in cooperation with AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA is looking for Austrian later-stage startups from all verticals for the next goAsia program in South Korea.
  • goSeoul 2020 is a unique 1-week acceleration program for Austrian startups that want to cross borders and aim to internationalize to Asia, especially to South Korea.
  • The Call is now extended until 15th May 2020.

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GIN: The call for goSeoul 2020 is extended until May 15th

  • The Global Incubator Network Austria (short GIN) in cooperation with AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA is looking for Austrian later-stage startups from all verticals for the next goAsia program in South Korea.
  • goSeoul 2020 is a unique 1-week acceleration program for Austrian startups that want to cross borders and aim to internationalize to Asia, especially to South Korea.
  • The Call is now extended until 15th May 2020.

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GIN: The call for goSeoul 2020 is extended until May 15th

  • The Global Incubator Network Austria (short GIN) in cooperation with AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA is looking for Austrian later-stage startups from all verticals for the next goAsia program in South Korea.
  • goSeoul 2020 is a unique 1-week acceleration program for Austrian startups that want to cross borders and aim to internationalize to Asia, especially to South Korea.
  • The Call is now extended until 15th May 2020.

AI Kontextualisierung

Welche Relevanz hat der Inhalt dieses Artikels für mich als Politiker:in?

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GIN: The call for goSeoul 2020 is extended until May 15th

  • The Global Incubator Network Austria (short GIN) in cooperation with AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA is looking for Austrian later-stage startups from all verticals for the next goAsia program in South Korea.
  • goSeoul 2020 is a unique 1-week acceleration program for Austrian startups that want to cross borders and aim to internationalize to Asia, especially to South Korea.
  • The Call is now extended until 15th May 2020.

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GIN: The call for goSeoul 2020 is extended until May 15th

  • The Global Incubator Network Austria (short GIN) in cooperation with AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA is looking for Austrian later-stage startups from all verticals for the next goAsia program in South Korea.
  • goSeoul 2020 is a unique 1-week acceleration program for Austrian startups that want to cross borders and aim to internationalize to Asia, especially to South Korea.
  • The Call is now extended until 15th May 2020.

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GIN: The call for goSeoul 2020 is extended until May 15th

  • The Global Incubator Network Austria (short GIN) in cooperation with AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA is looking for Austrian later-stage startups from all verticals for the next goAsia program in South Korea.
  • goSeoul 2020 is a unique 1-week acceleration program for Austrian startups that want to cross borders and aim to internationalize to Asia, especially to South Korea.
  • The Call is now extended until 15th May 2020.

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GIN: The call for goSeoul 2020 is extended until May 15th

  • The Global Incubator Network Austria (short GIN) in cooperation with AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA is looking for Austrian later-stage startups from all verticals for the next goAsia program in South Korea.
  • goSeoul 2020 is a unique 1-week acceleration program for Austrian startups that want to cross borders and aim to internationalize to Asia, especially to South Korea.
  • The Call is now extended until 15th May 2020.