
Call: Go Tokyo 2022 is open until September 15th – apply now

Start your Japan-expansion with the Global Incubator Network Austria and benefit from a unique physical acceleration program in Tokyo & a breakout session in Kobe, that provides strategic and finanical support for your internationalization. The call for applications is open until September 15th 2022.

The acceleration program GO TOKYO, organized by the Global Incubator Network Austria in cooperation with AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA, addresses Austrian later-stage startups in the field of mobility solutions looking to internationalise and expand their business to Japan. GO TOKYO 2022 is a unique acceleration program that provides strategic and financial support.

Part 1 | Go Tokyo 2022 | Onboarding: Flexible

GO TOKYO 2022 is the ideal preparation for Austrian startups from the field of mobility to take the next steps of their Japan-expansion. Part I of the program offers a digital onboarding with flexible video masterclasses, individual IP coaching and mentoring. At the kick-off event in Vienna you will receive first market insights, last preparation tips for your physical presence in Tokyo and get to know the GO TOKYO 2022 startup batch. 

Part 2 | Go Tokyo 2022 | Physical* Dec. 01-09, 2022

Part II of GO TOKYO 2022 is a one-week ecosystem tour in Tokyo (Dec. 01-09, 2022) with customized pitch and networking opportunities (TechBIZKON, Innovation Leaders Summit, Next Generation Mobility Conference etc.) to connect with international stakeholders. Also, you will have 1:1 business meetings organized by AußenwirtschaftsCenter Tokio and a breakout session to Kobe. For the phyiscal trip to Tokyo GIN covers up to 90% of all travel expenses including flight and accommodation costs of max. EUR 20,000 per startup

*Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the unpredictable development of travel and quarantine restrictions, changes to the program GO TOKYO 2022 might apply. We are in regular contact with the relevant authorities and aim to offer a beneficial program accessible for everyone while ensuring every participant’s safety. We will inform about any necessary changes.


The Program Go Tokyo 2022 is most suitable for Startups meeting the following criteria:

  • Vertical: Mobility Solutions 
  • Austrian mid- or later-stage startup (beyond PoC and seed stage)
  • Established in the last 7 years (no k.o. criterion)
  • Raised at least seed-stage investment
  • Unique product/solution 
  • Working prototype/MVP
  • A proven business model with traction (clients, revenue)
  • Interest in connecting to relevant stakeholders (corporates, business partners)
  • Looking to develop further internationally with a focus on Korea/Asia 

Application & Selection Process

Ready for Japan? It only takes three steps

1. Application on aws Connect | latest by September 15, 2022:

  1. Log in on aws Connect or register and create an account
  2. Fill out the online form and upload your recent pitch-deck
  3. Start your application now: click HERE

2. Online Pitch Event | September 20, 2022

The GIN-Team informs all applicants whether or not they are chosen for the Online Pitch via e-mail latest on September 16th, 2022. The pre-selected startups will receive an e-mail with all log-in details for the Online Pitch on the 20th of September (09.00 – 11.00 am) as well as a 10-minute time-slot. Each startup has 3 minutes to pitch in English followed by a short Q&A session by the jury of national an international GIN-partners. Please block this event in your calendar preliminary!

3. Final Decision – Congratulations! 

After the Online Pitch the jury will select the GO TOKYO 2022 finalists. The selected startups for GO TOKYO 2022 will receive an e-mail with the next steps from the GIN-Team latest within a week after the Online Pitch. 


Chiara Witzemann
Project Manager GO ASIA

[email protected] | [email protected]


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zone14: Wiener KI-Fußball-Startup gewinnt SK Rapid als Kunden

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zone14 gewinnt Rapid Wien als Kunden | © SK Rapid / Widner

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Rapid-Geschäftsführer Hofmann: “Hilft uns, unsere Videoanalyse noch effizienter zu gestalten”

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Amateur- und Profi-Klubs als Kunden

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Call: Go Tokyo 2022 is open until September 15th – apply now

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Call: Go Tokyo 2022 is open until September 15th – apply now

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Call: Go Tokyo 2022 is open until September 15th – apply now

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Call: Go Tokyo 2022 is open until September 15th – apply now

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Call: Go Tokyo 2022 is open until September 15th – apply now

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Call: Go Tokyo 2022 is open until September 15th – apply now

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Call: Go Tokyo 2022 is open until September 15th – apply now

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Call: Go Tokyo 2022 is open until September 15th – apply now

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Call: Go Tokyo 2022 is open until September 15th – apply now