
The Call GO TOKYO 2021 is open from August 23rd to September 19th

The Global Incubator Network Austria (GIN), in cooperation with AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA, is looking for Austrian later-stage startups for the next GO ASIA acceleration program. The call for applications is open from August 23rd until September 19th.

GO TOKYO 2021 is a one-week acceleration program for Austrian later-stage startups that aim to internationalize to Asia, especially to the Japanese market. This unique program is digital as well as physical to give you the best support (strategically/financially) in your internationalization plans to Japan.

Benefit from a digital onboarding with group workshops and pitch training as well as from a unique one-week program with on-site or hybrid* activities, events (TechBIZKON V) and 1:1 business meetings in Tokyo and a breakout session in Fukuoka.

GO TOKYO 2021 is the ideal preparation for Austrian startups in the field of GreenTech & Sustainability to take the next steps of their Japan-expansion. GIN together with its cooperation partner AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA provide you with digital workshops and seminars and connect you with international partners (corporates, potential clients, business partners, etc.)

+++ Apply now for GO TOKYO 2021 powered by GIN +++

Hard Facts

  • What? 1-week acceleration program in TOKYO from Dec. 1-10 with a digital pre-program/onboarding for Austrian later-stage startups
    • Part I | Digital GO TOKYO: digital onboarding on Nov. 9 & 12, 2021 to prepare your internationalization strategy with individual coaching sessions and webinars
    • Part II | Physical or hybrid GO TOKYO: meet relevant stakeholders for individual 1:1 business meetings in Tokyo and for a breakout session in Fukuoka. Connect with international investors and corporates at customized networking and pitch events (TechBIZKON V)
  • When? 01.12.-10.12.2021| Part II Physical Program*
  • Where? Online and on-site or hybrid in Tokyo and Fukuoka
  • Info?    More information on the program GO TOKYO 2021 here: https://www.gin-austria.com/calls/gotokyo2021
  • Application Deadline: September 19, 2021


  • A digital pre-program with video masterclasses and group workshops
  • Exclusive insights into the Japanese startup ecosystem
  • Individual coaching sessions that help you to adapt your business model to the Japanese market
  • Unique business connections to international investors, VCs, corporates, potential clients, etc.
  • 1:1 business meetings with relevant stakeholders in Japan organized by AußenwirtschaftsCenter Tokio
  • Travel refund for 80% of the expenses up to € 7,000 per startup


The program is most suitable for startups meeting the following criteria:

  • Vertical: GreenTech, E-Mobility, Sustainability (wind energy, CO2 emission reduction technologies, energy solutions, etc.)
  • Austrian later-stage startup (beyond PoC and seed-stage)
  • Established in the last 7 years (no k.o. criterion)
  • Raised at least seed-stage investment
  • Unique product/solution & working prototype (MVP)
  • A proven business model with traction (clients, revenue)
  • Interest in connecting to relevant stakeholders (investors, corporates)
  • Looking to develop further internationally with a focus on Japan/Asia


Global Incubator Network Austria 

Chiara Witzemann – Project Manager GO ASIA

+43 1 501 75 504

[email protected] | [email protected]


*Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the unpredictable development of further health and safety measurements, changes to the program GO TOKYO 2021 might apply. We are in regular contact with the relevant authorities and aim to offer a beneficial program accessible for everyone while ensuring every participant’s safety. About any necessary changes, we will update you accordingly.

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“AI in a box”: Linzer Firma sperrt KI-Sprachmodell ins Intranet

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"AI in a Box" kommt tatsächlich als Box | (c) Conquest Werbeagentur GmbH

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“Sie können sich AI in a Box ähnlich einem Netzwerkdrucker vorstellen”

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Offline-Betrieb zur Einhaltung von Datenschutzrichtlinien

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The Call GO TOKYO 2021 is open from August 23rd to September 19th

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The Call GO TOKYO 2021 is open from August 23rd to September 19th

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The Call GO TOKYO 2021 is open from August 23rd to September 19th

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The Call GO TOKYO 2021 is open from August 23rd to September 19th

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The Call GO TOKYO 2021 is open from August 23rd to September 19th

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Welche Relevanz hat der Inhalt dieses Artikels für mich als Politiker:in?

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The Call GO TOKYO 2021 is open from August 23rd to September 19th

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The Call GO TOKYO 2021 is open from August 23rd to September 19th

AI Kontextualisierung

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The Call GO TOKYO 2021 is open from August 23rd to September 19th

AI Kontextualisierung

Wer sind die relevantesten Organisationen in diesem Artikel?

Leider hat die AI für diese Frage in diesem Artikel keine Antwort …

The Call GO TOKYO 2021 is open from August 23rd to September 19th