
Call: GO SINGAPORE 2023 is now open until May 14th

The Global Incubator Network Austria (GIN), in cooperation with AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA, is looking for Austrian mid- or later-stage startups from all verticals that aim to enter Singapore with: GO SINGAPORE 2023 from October 26th - November 2nd, 2023. The call is open until May 14th.

The Global Incubator Network Austria (GIN), in cooperation with AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA, is looking for Austrian mid- or later-stage startups from all verticals that aim to enter Singapore with: GO SINGAPORE 2023 from October 26th – November 2nd, 2023. The call is open until May 14th.

GO SINGAPORE 2023 is the ideal preparation for Austrian startups from all verticals to take the next steps of their Asia-expansion. The program supports startups strategically (flexible onboarding, IP coaching, workshops, networking etc.) and financially (travel grant of up to 20,000 EUR) to give them the best expierence during a one-week ecosystem tour in Singapore from October 26th – November 2nd, 2023.

Programm Outlook


Get first-hand insights into the Singapore market and benefit from a flexible digital onboarding to prepare your internationalization strategy. The selected startups will receive 3hours of free and individual IP coaching sessions  with valuable expert tips for their market entryAt the kick-off event in Vienna you will receive first market insights and valuable last-minute preparation tips for your physical presence in Singapore, while getting to know the GO SINGAPORE  startup batch. 


Part II of GO SINGAPORE 2023 is a one-week ecosystem tour in Singapore from October 26th – November 2nd, 2023. During the program startups also have the opportunity to participate in networking/pitch events and connect with international investors/corporates at customized networking events. For the physical program GIN refunds 90% of all expenses (including travel and accommodation costs) up to EUR 20,000.- per startup

The Main Event of Go Singapore 2023

SINGAPORE WEEK OF INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY  |   31 October–2 November 2023 

The Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology (SWITCH) brings together leaders, entrepreneurs, creators, accelerators and investors from the Global-Asia innovation ecosystem. Through the open exchange of new ideas, vibrant networks and a line-up of innovation-centric activities, SWITCH provides a global platform to catalyse meaningful collaboration between different fields and markets. The focus industries include healthcare & biomedical sciences, smart cities & urban solutions, trade & connectivity, and emerging sustainable technologies.


The Program Go Singapore 2023 is most suitable for startups meeting the following criteria:

  • Open to ALL verticals 
  • Austrian mid- or later-stage startup (beyond PoC and seed stage)
  • Established in the last 7 years (no k.o. criterion)
  • Raised at least seed-stage investment
  • Unique product/solution 
  • Working prototype/MVP
  • A proven business model with traction (clients, revenue)
  • Interest in connecting to relevant stakeholders (corporates, business partners)
  • Looking to develop further internationally with a focus on Singapore/Asia

Application & Selection Process

Ready for Singapore? It Only takes three Steps!

1. Application on aws Connect | until May 14th, 2023:

  1. Log in on aws Connect or register and create an account
  2. Fill out the online form and upload your recent pitch-deck
  3. Start your application now: click HERE

2. Online Pitch Event | May 24th, 2023:

The GIN-Team informs all applicants whether or not they are chosen for the Online Pitch via e-mail. The pre-selected startups will receive an e-mail with all log-in details for the Online Pitch on May 24th, 2023 as well as a 10-minute time-slot. Each startup has 3 minutes to pitch in English followed by a short Q&A session by the jury of national an international GIN-partners.

3. Final Decision – Congratulations! 

After the Online Pitch the jury will select the GO SINGAPORE 2023 finalists. The selected startups for GO SINGAPORE 2023 will receive an e-mail with the next steps from the GIN-Team latest within a week after the Online Pitch.


Chiara Witzemann
Program Manager GO ASIA

[email protected] | [email protected]


More about GIN

GIN is the connecting link between Austrian and international startups, investors, incubators and accelerators with a special focus on selected hotspots in Asia.

The Global Incubator Network Austria (GIN) is the connecting link between Austrian and international startups, investors, incubators and accelerators with a focus on selected hotspots in Asia (Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Mainland China, Singapore and South Korea).

GIN is a program initiated by the Federal Ministry of Austria for Labour and Economy, managed by the public funding agencies Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH (aws) and Österreichische Forschungs- förderungsgesellschaft (FFG), and financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy (BMAW). 

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Skeetoo: Salzburger Startup launcht Seife mit Gelsenschutz

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Vom Studienprojekt zum Startup

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Schutz von Labor bestätigt

“Wir waren irgendwann so überzeugt von dem Projekt, dass wir gesagt haben, eigentlich brauchen wir das”, so Gefahrt. Für die Entwicklung der Seifen und der Überprüfung ihrer Wirkung kooperierten die beiden Studentinnen mit einem Labor in Regensburg, das europaweit führend in der Forschung an Stechmücken ist.

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Die Skeetoo-Palette wächst

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Call: GO SINGAPORE 2023 is now open until May 14th

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Call: GO SINGAPORE 2023 is now open until May 14th

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Call: GO SINGAPORE 2023 is now open until May 14th

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Call: GO SINGAPORE 2023 is now open until May 14th

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Call: GO SINGAPORE 2023 is now open until May 14th

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Call: GO SINGAPORE 2023 is now open until May 14th

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Call: GO SINGAPORE 2023 is now open until May 14th

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Call: GO SINGAPORE 2023 is now open until May 14th

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Call: GO SINGAPORE 2023 is now open until May 14th