Startups & large corporates – does that work?

We have heard it all too often now: Startups & Corporates need to work together more closely. But how can such a collaboration look like? What are the expectations from each side? How can startups find the right corporate partner? And what potential road blocks should they look out for?

To find answers to these and more questions our July Stammtisch will be all about the cooperation between startups & large corporates.

We have gathered a super awesome panel, which will share their experiences from different perspectives:
– Maria ZeschT-Mobile Austria
– Christian AdelsbergerParkbob
– David Pichsenmeisteroratio
– Oliver CsendesPioneers

Also this time you will have the chance to meet and network with like-minded entrepreneurs at our AustrianStartups Speeddating. If you don’t want to talk to anyone and just want to get drinks, that’s also fine.

Super interesting topic + the awesome Austrian startup scene – we don’t think that there is any better way to spend your Tuesday night.

We are looking forward to another interesting and exciting Stammtisch with you!

Your AustrianStartups Team

Hard Facts:

When? July 18, 2017 from 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
44 Siebenbrunnengasse, 1050 Vienna
Sign up here: StammtischVie48